16. Second dads and curry

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Louis gets a little better everyday. We spent the weekend at their flat, watching movies, playing board games and ordering take away.

I slept at home again because I didn’t want to bother them but stayed at theirs for the whole day.

I’m already extremely tired now but I still have to fine the swimming lesson before I’ll finally be able to relax.

I try to gather all the kids around me before starting the lesson but they’re still talking to each other so I walk over to tell them to move but overhear their conversation that’s really adorable.

“Really?” Charlotte makes big eyes, “Why?”

Jonah shrugs and grins a little proud. “Cause my daddy had an accident and then he slept in the hospital but Harry takes care of me. We watched my series together and he cooked pasta all the time.”

The others chuckle lowly. “So Harry is your swimming teacher and like your second dad?”, Anna asks and frowns.

I am a little scared what Jonah will answer just because every answer would seem wrong.

“Mhmh”, he makes and shrugs, “He takes care of me like a daddy but he isn’t with my daddy. They would be in love and then Harry would be my other daddy. But I don’t know how you know they’re in love.”

That makes me feel all warm because I take care of him like a daddy. If we’d be in love I’d be his daddy. He’d be able to love me, he'd be able to accept me as a family member.

“I know”, Milan says, “My mummy and daddy are in love cause they kiss. If Harry kiss your daddy they are in love and Harry is also your daddy.”
Jonah grins as if that was the smartest thing to ever be said.

“When we meet again next week tell us if they kissed”, Mary says and wraps a dark strand of hair around her finger.
Jonah nods excitedly. “Okay. I watch them and see if they kiss.”

Milan asks but then adds: “Only on the mouth. Cheek doesn’t count cause that’s what friends do too.”

After that, the lesson goes by quickly and an hour later, me and Jonah are sitting in the car. It’s only one week more before the course ends. I’m not sad about it though, I know that I’ll have every chance to ask Louis out. I already did, now that I think about it. I nearly forgot about it with thinking about uni and Jonah all the time. I’ll ask him when I drop Jonah off at theirs.

“Hello, Daddy”, Jonah shouts when he enters the flat and comes running into the living room where Louis sits on the couch, watching some TV show I don’t know.

“Hi, my darling, how was it?” Jonah starts telling all the stuff we did at training and when he finishes, he runs of to the bathroom where I let his bath run in.

“Lou?”, I ask, when I enter the living room and he smiles.

“Yeah?” He’s wearing grey sweatpants and a dark red jumper that makes him look really good.

“Remember when I asked you out?” he nods and pats the spot next to him on the couch so I sit down and pull him to my side.

“Would you want to go? This weekend?” He nods happily and pecks my cheek. I don’t exactly remember when we started all the cuddling and kisses on the cheek, but I feel very comfortable and safe with him. We basically act like a couple already, only that we’ve never really kissed.

“Okay. I’ll think of something. You think you can manage it with your leg?” He nods again and thanks me quietly, I’m not sure for what, before he gets up to help Jonah getting into the bathtub.

When he gets back, I’m still sitting on the couch. I’d need to go home and revise some stuff for tomorrow, but I feel way too tired and comfortable on that couch right now.

“Haz”, he says. He started saying that this weekend and I couldn’t love the nickname more. “Hi.”

He drops his crutches to the floor and himself on the couch, laying his head on my chest.
“Can’t wait for this weekend”, he mumbles, “Then I’ll finally have a reason to kiss you properly.”

My heart skips a few beats and I’m probably blushing really badly, but he just chuckles and wraps an arm around my waist.

“As much as I love you being here, don’t you think you should get home? I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave you here when you’d need to study or maybe spend time with your poor flatmates, they’re missing out on you.”

I nod tiredly and finally say my goodbyes to Louis and Jonah who both give me a kiss on the cheek before I drive home again.

Look who’s back”, Zayn shouts when I enter our home and grins. “We thought you already moved out.”

I feel a little guilty because I really left them behind those last days. It’s good to be back, after all, they’re my best friend and the people I care about most.

“Hi”, Niall says and waves out of the kitchen door, “We missed you idiot.”

He hugs me shortly and smiles when moving away again.
“I’m sorry guys”, I say and try to look as guilty as I am, “I’ll be here more as soon as Louis gets the cast he can walk with more, I promise.”

We walk into the kitchen where Liam greets me with a short wave before concentrating on cutting vegetables again.
“We’re making some curry. Or at least we’re trying, Niall can’t really cook. Go, help us and set the table.”

Niall glares at Liam for the cooking-comment but then smiles and turns on some music.

We all finish cooking together, music playing from the radio and I tell them about the last days -to which especially Niall reacts really happy because we finally will go on a date- and I’m happy to finally be with them again too.


they'll go on a dateeeee

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