six months later

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Two months before Jonah’s seventh birthday we leave for holidays. It’s the first holiday we’ll be spending together and I couldn’t be more excited for it.

“Papa?”, Jonah calls from his room, “You gotta help me, daddy packs his own suitcase.”

I smile and walk to his room, dragging my suitcase into the hallway. “Lou, baby, you gotta hurry, if we don’t leave within the next half an hour chances are high, we’ll miss our flight.”

I walk into Jonah’s room where he’s sitting on the floor, Haz in his arm and suitcase filled with way too many clothes.

“Honey, what did you do there?”

Jonah pouts. “Sorry Papa, I just will miss the hoodie and my new cat hoodie and all those socks and my favourite jacket.”

I laugh and sit down next to him. “Okay, but you don’t really need a second hoodie, it’ll hopefully be warm. We can exchange the cat hoodie with the blue one, maybe?”

He nods. “But my socks?”

“You’re not really gonna miss your socks, are you baby?”

He shrugs. I chuckle and grab the socks, trying to remove them out of the suitcase but he grabs my hand to stop me. “No”, he shouts, “Do not take it.”

“Baby? Why not?”

He pouts, not saying anything, removing my hand from the suitcase. “Just close it.”

“I won’t be able to close it with so many clothes in it. Come one, put the socks away.”

He looks up at me with a guilty look in his eyes and takes one sock after the other one out of the suitcase just to reveal a cat.

“Jonah”, I scream out of shock, “Baby, what the actual-“ I stop myself before cursing out loud.

“I will miss my Theo”, he mumbles, tears forming in his eyes.

“Oh, honey, come here.” I pull him in for a hug so he sits in my lap. He hides his face in my sweater. “Amelia will take such good care of him, yeah?”

He nods, wiping his eyes once. “Please tell her to send me photos all the time. And I’ll send Theo photos of me too and Amelia can show him.”

I chuckle quietly and nod. “I’m sure Theo will be so happy about that, baby. Now come on, get the poor cat out of that suitcase and let’s leave, we don’t wanna miss our flight.”

He nods and grabs Theo, putting him down on his bed. “Am so excited for Italy.”

“Me too. Come on, tell daddy to finish packing.”

He nods and runs out of the room. “Sorry, Theo”, I say to the cat and close the suitcase before carrying it into the hallway as well, placing it next to all the bags we packed those last days.

“Sorry, baby”, Louis says, “My fucking suitcase didn’t close.”

“Check in it for cats.”

Louis raises an eyebrow and laughs when Jonah explains the story to him, looking a little angry but more amused.

“God, honey, don’t ever do that again, you can’t stuff the cat into a suitcase.”

“Sorry”, Jonah says and pouts, “He sleeped though, he wouldn’t have noticed any of it.”

Louis rolls his eyes and scoffs, visibly trying to stay calm.

“Alright, we’re leaving him here though. Now come on, let’s get to the car.”

Jonah nods and we carry the suitcases down the stairs, Jonah and Louis I’m front of me. Before closing the door behind us, I open the drawer of the commode in the hallway, pulling out the little black case and hiding it deep in the pocket of my jacket.


“How much longer?”, Jonah wails, moving in the backseat impatiently and tugging on my shirt from behind.

“Fifteen minutes. We nearly got it, baby.”

He grins excitedly and nods, looking out of the window and holding the stuffed animal up so it can look out of the window too. “Look, Haz, do you like the view?”

I laugh quietly over him talking to his toy before grabbing Louis hand over the middle console and laying our hands down on his thigh.
“Thanks for driving, baby.”

He rolls his eyes and smiles. “Of course, it’s only been two hours, not a problem.”

We drive in silence for the rest of the route, just listening to Jonah whisper things into Haz’ ear and enjoying the landscape.

“There we are”, Louis says, taking a turn before we arrive at the hotel.

“Yes”, Jonah shouts and tries unbuckling his seatbelt. “Now, park daddy, go.”

“Slowly, babe. Wait until I parked the car before you unbuckle.”

Jonah nods and as soon as Louis parked the car, he jumps out of the car, running to my door and opening it for me before running to Louis’ door.

“Come on you two sloths, go.”

We check in before finally arriving in our room. It looks nice, there’s a big bed in the main room and a couch for Jonah in the second room as well as a bathroom and a balcony.

“This is so cosy”, Jonah shouts and falls onto the couch, “I love this.”

I fall down next to him. “I love you.”

Louis falls down next to us as well, smiling broadly. “I love both of you.”

“My daddy, my Papa, you’re my most, most loveliest.”

“Not favourites anymore?”, I ask, combing through his hair.

“All of it. My most, most favourites, my most, most loveliest my most, most dads.”

I laugh. “And you’re our most most son then?”

He nods, smiling up at us through tired eyes. “Yes, that is just how it works, Papa.”

I smile as I cuddle closer to them, both embraced in my arms as we slowly drift of to sleep on the too small couch, all exhausted from the trip, the little black box pressing into my side softly, as if it wanted to remind me  it’s still there.



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