18. Stuffed animals and dinner

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“And what are you doing?”, Jonah asks, impatiently tugging my shirt.

“We’re getting some dinner”, I explain and smile at Louis who’s standing behind Jonah in the doorway. He steps aside to let us in and Zayn and Liam are immediately surrounded by Jonah, showing them all his stuffed animals.

“This is Stacey”, Jonah says, “My favourite cat.”

They walk off into the living room and I look at Louis who looks prettier than ever. He’s wearing joggers because he can’t fit anything else over his cast, a tight black turtleneck with a light blue denim jacket over it.

“Hi”, he says quietly, “You look really pretty.”

“Hi”, I reply and blush at the compliment, “You too.”
He chuckles. “Tried my best with that damn cast in the way.”

I snort and step forward to hug him tightly. “Looks great”, I whisper and then he lets go of me to say goodbye to Jonah.

I walk behind him and watch him hug Jonah tightly. “I’ll be back before you know it. You can sleep in my bed and I’ll cuddle with you later, alright?”

Jonah grins and nods before pressing a kiss to Louis’ cheek. “Okay. Bye, daddy, have fun.”

He then runs up to me to hug my legs and looks up at me smiling. “Bye, Harry. I miss your crocodile voice but maybe Liam or Zayn can do it too.”

I grin and ruffle through his hair. “I’m sure they’ll do it even better. Have fun love and thanks for letting me borrow your daddy tonight.”

He chuckles at that and then let’s go of me so me and Louis can leave the flat.

When we’re outside and get him down the stairs, he’s managed the crutches pretty well now so I don’t have to carry him anymore, he looks up at me and smiles.

“I’d take your hand, love, but then I’ll  probably hurt my leg.”
I chuckle quietly. “Well then rather not take my hand.”

When we arrive at the restaurant I picked, I help Louis get out of the car and hand him his crutches. He’s not supposed to put too much weight on his left yet so we drove the short way there.

“Thanks, Curly”, he says and grins, “Can’t wait to get this fucking cast of.”

It’s not a too fancy restaurant, something small and cosy, but I love it, it’s been my favourite forever.

“Hi”, I say to the waiter waiting at the door, “I reserved a table for Styles.”
He nods and leads us to a table near the window.

“Looks amazing”, Louis says and sits down, “Thanks for finally asking me out.”

I smile softly and sit down across from him.
“Of course, darling. Hope you’ll like the food “

He chuckles. “I mostly eat take away from some cheap restaurants so I’m sure this will do.”

“I’m glad. Jonah will be fine, right?”, I ask, “He barely knows the boys and I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable just because I am stealing his dad from him.”

Louis suddenly starts smiling really big and I don’t know what it is that I said, but he won’t stop looking at me fondly.

“What?”, I ask and chuckle.
“You really are perfect, aren’t you?”

I’m sure I’m blushing deeply by now and I quickly shake my head. “I really am not.”
“Yes, you are.”

I quickly thank the waiter for putting down the menu on our table and then turn to Louis again.
“I’m not, why would you say that?”

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