2 - Black coffee

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As soon as I walked into the house my legs were being hugged by a small pair of arms.

"Hey, buddy. How was your day?" I asked him as I picked him up so he was in my arms.

"It was so good daddy, Caroline took me to the park and then we-"

"Woah, slow down, Archie, you said that all in one breath." I laughed. "Why don't you tell me all about it over dinner?"

He nodded and wriggled to get down, running into the dining room.

It was only Archie and I in this house, I also had the housekeeping, and Caroline who is Archie's nanny but we were the only residents.

Archie is four years old, I was 25 when he turned up at my doorstep as a newborn. His mother signed over all parental rights to me, saying that she never wanted kids.

How anyone could never want Archie is beyond me.

I sat down at the head of the table, Archie sitting right beside me. One of our maids brought the food in and placed it down. Archie thanked her and I just nodded before we started eating.

"So, Archie, tell me what happened today."

"It was so cool, Daddy! We went to the park and Caroline pushed me on the swings, then we came home and I drew a picture for you! Then we went to Olivette's bakery! She was really nice and she gave me a chocolate muffin and milk. I really like Olivette and she said we can come back another day and that I can bring you with me, and that she would give us both chocolate muffins."

"Wow, bud, that all sounds very exciting."

"So can we go tomorrow?"

"Go where?"

"To Olivette's bakery! Silly!"

I nodded at my son. "If you eat all your carrots, then yes."

He pulled a face as he stared at the orange sticks on his plate. He has never like vegetables, but carrots were the worst.

But to my surprise, he ate them all, washed it down with a sip of juice and continued to pester me about going to this bakery.

Tomorrow's going to be interesting.


"Daddy! Wake up!"

Archie threw himself onto my stomach, knocking the air out of my lungs.

"Archer Hayes, it's 6:30 am, can you wait a little longer? I don't even think the bakery will be open right now." I sighed as I lifted Archie off of me.

"Okay, but can I stay here?"

A few hours later, we had both had a bit more sleep and we were ready to go to the bakery. Saturdays were usually my only days off, so Archie and I did stuff that day together, only us.

It's not easy being a single father as well as a CEO.

I am the founder and CEO of a large construction company, and as a result of that, I never get to spend as much time with my son as I would like.

I always feel awful whenever he gets upset that I work late, or can't take him to the park. I am so thankful for Caroline, his nanny, that he has someone to look up to.

My parents adore him, but they live further away, so they can't see him as often as they would like.

"Come on, daddy!"

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