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Arella slowly opened her eyes and was met with a bright light entering the room. She sleepily wondered if she was in her department, finally waking up from that weird dream. However, it wasn't the case.

The tall man entered the room as soon as she sat up on bed, her body no longer aching as well as her head.

"Hey, had a good nap?"

"Where am I?"

"I've already told you, honey. This place is Hell, and my name is Lucifer" he saw the weird expression she gave him, "don't give me that look. Didn't you see a spider-like demon and a 'doggy' one a few hours ago?"

That's right, two damn demons and she was trapped in there. Arella started panicking and her breaths became heavier due to the everything that was going on. Why couldn't she go back to her miserable life, where she was about to get kicked out of her home? Anything but being in there.

And that's where Lucifer didn't know what to do, even though he was the king of Hell. The one who every demon accepted and respected, and who they'd bow at. But now he was in front of a girl, a human girl who was currently having a panic attack... and he couldn't blame her.

He quickly approached her enough to give her a little space, and gently grabbed her hand. It was something he had watched other humans do one time.

"Shh, it's okay Ari. I know it must be scary, but can you breathe for me?"

Lucifer rubbed her hand, and it surprised him how good he actually was at calming Arella in such state. Because truth be told, she started to calm down after a couple minutes, her tear stained cheeks brightening from all that crying.

He picked her up again, in the same quick movement he had done previously. She didn't protest and simply laid her head on his chest.

"Now that's a good girl. I promise I won't ever hurt you, alright?" He said, but didn't get a response. "I know there are scary demons, but they won't dare hurting you either because you're a baby, and you're mine. If they did, trust me they would regret it"

"A baby? What-what are you talking about?"

"It's hard to explain, but in here, demons have hundreds of years. So even though back in Earth you were 19 in human years and were considered an adult, here you're basically a baby"

She would had looked at him if his chest and rubbing motions on his back hadn't been so confortable.

"Is that why I feel like this?" Arella asked in a childish way, which made her frown. Lucifer didn't mind that, though.

"Yes, it is. Time works different here, and that's why you might be confused and feel a little weird" he slowly explained, as if he was talking to a child.

Of course, Ari needed to process everything that he had said. She wished it was all just a bad dream, and hated how even if that man sounded crazy, she would choose him over the other monsters she had seen before.

Beleth showed up just when Arella was about to ask more questions to Lucifer, slowly entering the room in case he would scare her like before.

"Sir, sorry to interrupt. It is time for her to have a snack or she could get fussy"

She frowned at that. How could that- demon speak as if she wasn't there? Of course Ari was feeling 'little', as Lucifer had explained, but that didn't mean she was a child who didn't understand a thing. And, of course, she didn't need any 'snack' in order to prevent her being fussy. At least, that's what she thought.

Lucifer agreed and went to leave her in bed but she unconsciously held him tight, hating the idea of being left alone in that strange place. But again, Ari was too proud to admit that.

"What is it? I'm just going to get you something to eat" he explained, but the girl didn't respond. Instead, she buried her face further into his neck. "Are you... not hungry?"

"My Lord, I believe she doesn't want to stay here alone"

"Oh. And what should I do? She'll get scared by seeing too many demons all at once"

Hearing the word made her start whining. And now she couldn't blame that place for her behaviour, because that was something she would still had done in her adult mind because, who wouldn't be scared? Her being a "baby" made it worse. So there was the King of hell, bouncing the girl in his arms again not knowing what to do for her. Truth be told, he was annoyed because he didn't know how to stop her from being distressed and scared, and even though there was nothing he couldn't do when it came to his 'work', now he was lost.

"Stop whining"

"My Lord... If you say it that harshly..."

"Alright" Lucifer sighed. "Ari? I won't leave you, remember that I've said I won't let anyone hurt you?"

"Uh-huh" she managed to say, even though she was feeling extremely confused as to why she was holding him like that, an unknown demon treating her like a baby.

"I mean it, you need to trust me. Come on. Let's get something on your tummy, all that stress will make you sick, alright?"

Arella didn't protest, she decided to stay by his side until she could understand what was going on with him and his... assistant? Yes, the girl also decided to call Beleth like that because that's what he looked like.  Could demons have assistants?

As expected, as soon as she got out of the room and entered a new place she hadn't seen before, Arella was met with another demon. Although he didn't look as frightening as the ones she was met with before. Lucifer realized that but still covered her sight a little so that she wouldn't feel too overwhelmed.

The girl wouldn't admit she felt more comfortable because of how safe he felt like... it was as if nothing could harm her even if she didn't really know him. After all, if he wanted to hurt me, he would have done it already.

"I brought some human food here that you may like. How about some... strawberries?"

Her eyes lit up at the mention of strawberries, since she really loved them. Back in Earth, Ari could only eat the fruit from time to time, as saving money was a must in her situation. Right, her father. He must have been worried about her... just like Kai, too. But how come she was in Hell? But that aside, how come Lucifer himself found any interest in her?

The idea of her staying in that place for God knows how long made her come back to reality.

"...Ari? Are you listening?"

"No" she suddenly said, frowning even more "no!"

In less than a second, Arella got down and took off running away from him. She didn't even know where she was going, she just hoped, like it often happened, that Ari would wake up from the nightmare.

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