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Michael Demiurgos

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Michael Demiurgos

Age: ???

(I imagine him like this but with a shirt on :p)

Arella's POV

I was still feeling dizzy trying to adjust to how time passed by here. I felt like "myself" when talking to Gareth for a few minutes, and even paid attention to everything he said. But from one moment to another, I was little again. I couldn't control that and it really bothered me; not being little, but not being able to decide when.

Lucifer had asked me what I wanted to eat, since it was my snack time I supposed. I happily replied strawberries because I wasn't a picky eater, and then he just let Amos know. I liked Amos. In fact, I liked most of the demons I had already known in hell.

"That's because they're high range, sweetie. You wouldn't want to be near low-range creatures"

I won't lie. I felt scared knowing there were demons like that living in Hell, but I was more bothered by the fact that Lucifer was still freely reading my mind even after promising he wouldn't do so anymore.

"My bad, baby. Don't be mad. I won't do it anymore" he chuckled.

"Daddy!" I practically yelled going to the living room. He surprisingly looked at me, and I couldn't blame him for being that loud all of a sudden.

"Ari, no yelling. What's wrong?"

"Spikey! I can't eat without him"

"Spikey is taking a bath... in a washing machine. He was dirty, so I ordered Beleth to-"

"But daddy" I whined. I wished I could control my little side, but it was part of me now somehow. The fact that I was conscious of it was a part of the adjustment, I suppose.

"No whining. He'll be with you in no time. Meanwhile, we can go have your strawberries. Doesn't that sound good, baby?"

But I didn't reply. I didn't mean to cause trouble either, but he knew how much I cared about that plushie. It was a gift from Cleon I really appreciated. Him suddenly taking it away from me got me upset, like why couldn't he just say he'd do it?

It was unfair. I couldn't help but to pout and stay mad at him. I now wanted to leave and stay alone in my- well, his room until I could have Spikey with me again. This reminded me of times when I was a little kid back on Earth, and even though I wasn't difficult to raise, I did have these moments where I got pissed over silly things.

Lucifer still placed me on the chair next to him. We were both alone, so I wouldn't care about any other demon'a stares or anything.

Amos had left a plate with many strawberries on it, and I'd be lying if I said they didn't look good. But I was pissed at Lucifer, so I couldn't let him win against me with food.

"Come on, baby. Why are you being so difficult? You asked me for strawberries"

But I just kept turning my head. How could I eat feeling so betrayed? I heard him sigh and ran a hand through his hair in surrender. I felt he was about to scold me, but he stopped as soon as we both heard noises from outside the place.

Lucifer seemed really focused on it, not ignoring me but not paying attention to the stress he was feeling either.

"Stay here" he said placing me on the floor next to the same blocks he knew I liked so much. And yes, that'd be enough to entertain me for a while if it wasn't for him suddenly leaving the room.

I felt... weird. I didn't mean to exaggerate, but Lucifer going out so suddenly and leaving me alone like that made me a little sad. Maybe it was because of me miss behaving. After a few moments of sitting there with no company at all, since Spikey was gone as well, I carefully went to the door going to where the noise from before came from. Lucifer would obviously be there.


Arella got out of the mansion and the first thing she saw was many demons gathered around her daddy, and surprisingly, Michael as well. She couldn't see much though, since everyone was taller than her. But she didn't need to hearing their voices.

Somehow she dared to shyly walk between the demons, who let her pass without even thinking twice as they knew who she was, and slightly pulled Lucifer's sleeve.


Arella immediately saw his eyes go from red to pink in a second, and purposely gave him puppy eyes hoping he wouldn't kill Michael right then, because despite him hating the angel, she wouldn't admit that she found Michael super nice.

"Is Mikey staying to eat with us?"

"No, Ari. He was about to le-"

"Hi princess. Guess what" Michael said in a childish voice. "I'm going to stay here for a while!"

Arella's eyes shone with excitement at that, and part of her was disappointed in herself because Michael had done bad things to Lucifer in the past. Therefore, she shouldn't like him that much.

Lucifer didn't pay attention to that though, and looked at Michael straight in the eyes (along with the rest of the creatures around). Arella hid behind Lucifer and rested her head on his body at the tense situation; everyone seemed as if they were ready to fight any second.

"Everyone leave now. I'll take care of this"

"No need to be so happy, Lucifer. I'm not doing this because I want to. My Lord has given me orders to come here and watch Ari actually being safe around... you" Michael admitted.

Lucifer picked Ari up after those words, letting out a humorless chuckle.

"You're so damn lucky she's here, Michael. I swear I'd be killing you right this instant" the angel simply rolled his eyes. "What makes you think you can say such nonsense? Do you think I'd allow you to even stay here more than you've already been?"

"I didn't want to come here either, Lucifer. I don't care if you 'allow' me to be here or not. I'm here to see how things are going, and yes, if I go to my Lord and tell him that Arella is okay with you, then she can stay"

The King of Hell felt upset at him. What made him believe he would listen to his words so easily?

"I'm not asking you to treat me well or anything. I don't have any intentions of taking Arella with me if she really is happy... here. I wouldn't want her to have a hard time in Heaven" Michael continued. "So, yes. I know you hate me, I don't like you either. But if you want to keep Arella, then let me do my job, Lucifer"

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