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III. Andrew

Sunday morning was supposed to be my rest day. But when I saw the whole house, it was like the garbage truck was dumping all of the trash they had collected from the town, and the garbage collector were like throwing it up in the air like a freaking confetti.

Got the picture?

Anyway, I got up, moved my ass out of the bed and started to revamp my house. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. I washed the plates, glasses, utensils and everything I saw. Then I sauntered towards the bathroom, my least favorite place to clean… then lastly, the living room. I swept and mopped the floor, wiped the flat surfaces and threw the styrofoams and empty bottles in the garbage bag.

I was like Santa Claus when I threw the bag outside.

And it was like the garbage collectors were making fun of me.

I was now covered with sweat. I decided to just take a minute before I take a bath.

Screw the minute. I felt so sticky now.

I scrubbed my whole body (I could almost imagine the germs were hugging my skin, never wanted to let go of me) and before my skin would look like raisins, I got out of the shower. I wore a white V-neck shirt, cargo shorts and sprayed Axe all over my body.

I sprayed it all over my room too.

I sat down on my bed and picked up my iPod from the side table. It was outdated, considering my sister gave it to me two years ago. But the songs were on trend. I was getting to caught up with the songs that I never heard someone entering my house.

“Sweetheart, where are you?”

I removed my earphones and placed my iPod with it beside the lamp on my desk then ran down the stairs when I heard Jane’s voice rang all over my house.

“I’m here, you okay?”

I was looking at her with awe. By the way she dressed, she looked younger than 30. Her face wore a light make-up. Her body was covered with a blue cocktail dress resting down an inch or two above her knees that made her blue eyes stood out. She also wore her favorite black high-heeled pumps.

Well, I assumed it was her favorite because she always wears that whenever she goes out with her husband.

Seriously girls, how was that possible? I was scared when Jane was angry and she was wearing it. And its heels were as this as finishing nail. So when she kicks me, I would be bleeding to death.

“Wow, Jane. Where are you going? Leave Dylan and be with me”

I didn't notice Dylan entered my house until I felt someone slapped me in the back of my neck.

“Watch it, kid. Find your own girl at your own age. Not ten years older than you.”

I found her, but she left me. I thought to myself

“Oh, well. What are you two love birds doing here? I already had my breakfast, took a bath and I plan to stay just here,” I asked them when I walked towards the kitchen to grab drinks for them.

“Uhh, well you see Drew, Me and Janey has to go to Wisconsin. We need you to babysit Carly. Is it okay with you? We’re willing to pay you for it. It’s just can’t take her with us.” Dylan said.

“Wait, what? Wisconsin? Why? Another business for you, Dyl? But it’s Sunday! Unless it’s – oohhh. I get it now.” I grinned at them when I remembered that they will be celebrating their eighth year anniversary, “No need to pay me. But may I ask, for how long will you be staying there?”

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