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X. Andrew

We were walking side by side on the way to Sullivan’s house. I did not know how the hell I came up with that idea but one thing was for sure: I didn’t want Drea alone in her house.

What I did not think about were the reactions of Dylan and Jane. Well, Jane would probably be ecstatic when she saw who I had brought with me sine they knew each other from the grocery store. I just called them that I’d be home with someone. Dylan started mumbling a few profanities over the phone but his wife must had smacked his head and laughed so loud my eardrums almost burst.

Lord, please guide me.

As we were walking, I couldn’t help but to sneak glances on Drea’s appearance. She looked so gorgeous in her black Aero hoodie, gray sweat shorts and her Doc Martens. She had her hair in an intricate bun, and her face was painted with light makeup it was almost natural.

“Like what you see, James?” she humored as she was looking anywhere but me.

“Sure. Thought I would really appreciate it more if you let your hair down and you don’t have to apply makeup whenever you’re with me,” I replied and adjusted our bags on my shoulder.


“Aww, are you blushing?”

She shoved me playfully.

“Shut up, James!”

“It’s not a polite expression, you know.”

“You’re annoying,” she just rolled her eyes, giving up but smiling. “So, tell me about this little girl and her parents we are visiting. What are they to you?”

“Oh. The Sullivans are my parent’s friends since they were in college. When I moved out from my family, they suggested me living near Dylan and Jane – the parents. I agreed to it immediately considering I would have a peaceful life as a teenager – you know, partying all night, no more curfews and the like,” I paused, feeling her eyes on me. “What? Do I have something on my face?”

“Nothing. Is it a crime now to look at you?” she asked innocently.

“You’re getting bolder every day, Drea.”

She chuckled.

“It’s just, you seem to trust me immediately. When I asked you about them, i honestly don’t expect a response from you. Well, I am but just a brief answer. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t want you to trust me because I do. But isn’t it too fast?”

I trusted you since day one.

“Well, you seem to trust me also that much,” I shrugged.


“Why did you agree to come with me?”

She paused for a while, thinking.

“Okay, fine. I get it. I don’t know why, but I feel like I’ve known you for so long. Thought I’m sure I haven’t. I, uhh, there’s a piece of me that trusts you enough that you would protect me from any kind of danger,” she chuckled. “As cheesy as it sounds, that’s what I am feeling. And I like it.”

I was about to say something when she snapped at me, “Stop teasing me, James! I could not afford anymore to embarrass myself to you!”

“What? You don’t even know what am I going to say, do you?” I grinned.

“Can you continue with your story now?”



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