The switch

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"Don't forget to pack Mr wobbles" my mum shouts from downstairs, the aforementioned Mr wobbles is a raggedy old teddy bear with one eye and missing one leg ( hence the name) he has been with me for as long as I can remember and always comes away with me to remind me of home.
"Mum, I'm playing on the biggest stage of football with the best players in the world Mr wobbles may have to sit this one out" I call back but receive no response. "Sorry mate, no offence but I need them to see me as an equal" I give my quiet apologies to my one eyed friend.

Packing for a trip when you don't know how long you will be away for is proving harder than expected, I decide to pack to ensure I have enough in case we make it to the final, scratch that WHEN we make it. Luckily the team provides a washing service and I will be mainly wearing team kits and merchandise. I do pack a couple of nice outfits incase we get some downtime to celebrate.

I have to sit on my case to close it but right before the zip is fully done I grab Mr wobbles and hide him in between the layers of clothes, just a big kid at heart!

Mum drives me to the training ground where the team is meeting before we head out together, she is going to join in a week or so once we get in the full swing of the competition.

"Goodbye Pickle" a nickname she coined after I showed her my favourite Rick and Morty episode. I can see is holding back tears to be strong so I try to make this as quick as I can because if she starts crying I may not get out the car. " Goodbye mum, ill try to do you proud" I say through the lump in my throat. "You already have darling, do your best and enjoy every moment, I will see you soon. I love you" she is really welling up now so I give her a tight squeeze and tell her that I love her too. I get out the car and un load my bags passing them to a member of the support team to load onto the coach. Waving Goodbye as my mum drives away proves too much and i let a tear fall, I wipe it away hoping noone saw.
"Don't worry, I still get choked up saying goodbye, I get dropped off outside the gate so I can have 2 mins walking up the driveway to settle myself" I hadn't heard her walk up but standing beside me in her travel kit is Georgia Stanway one of the younger members of the team but very well established in the starting 11 following her incredible performance last year at the Euros. I cough to clear the lump in my throat "damn I was hoping noone saw that, can you keep it between us I don't want people thinking I'm a baby for missing my mum already" she gives me sympathetic look "of course, secrets safe with me. Wanna sit next to me on the bus I will do my best to distract you plus I want to ask you a favour?" Hmmm what could she want from me? " erm yeah sure" I reply with a hint of suspicion in my tone. "Great, well I'm get my bags loaded and see you on the bus" and with that she was walking towards the coach

After a few team photos and Goodbye to the staff staying behind it was time to get on the coach, Georgia had gotten on before me and I assumed was saving me a seat so walking up the stairs I wasn't really worried about where to sit when I heard " Hey kid, you can sit next to me if you want dont want you feeling left out" my heart sunk hearing the nickname she had started calling me I look down and meet the expectant gaze of Leah moving her bag off the seat next to her to make room. "Ohh. Er. Thank you but G has already asked to talk to me about something" she looks and me confused and then back to Georgia who is a few rows back on the other side of the coach and then back to me. "Yeah sure no worries just wanted to make sure you were settling in to the squad, I'll see you at the airport" with that she put in her headphones and put the bag back on the chair beside her so noone else could take the coverted spot next to the captain. Well fuck you're doing great y/n way to slap her hospitality right back at her. I walk head down the few rows and get in next to G. "Everything okay you look a bit lost" she asked " yeah all good just getting used to everything" Get it together she's not bothered you didn't sit next to her she was only being polite as her duty as the skipper.

The coach pulls away after a few last minute admin messages regarding flight times but I zone out. After around 10 mins into the drive to the airport I am reminded why I am sat back here not next to my crush "so what was that fabour you wanted to ask?" Georgia looks at me and quickly puts her hand over my mouth to stop me talking, naturally I stick my tongue out and lick her palm ( I was raised with older brothers, so this is normal to me). Laughing louder than expected she pulls her hand away and wipes it on her shorts "ewwww did you just lick me? " a sparkle of laughter still in her eyes "yeah sorry it was a reflex, you did put your hand over my mouth" she looks at me and bursts out laughing making me join in. Our laughing didn't drown out the conversations around us but could be heard for a few rows front and back. I look away from Georgia to regain composure and for a split second I lock eyes with Leah who has turned around to see what was happening. As quick and it happened she looks away and faces forward her shoulders stiff as she stares out the windscreen in front.
I decide to blow off the interaction and continue with out conversation. "So.." I ask when the laughing has stopped. "Right sorry I do have a favour to ask you" she mouthes the word favour so only I can see "I want to switch rooms with you at the camp in Australia, I have seen the allocation for the rooms and need to change with you" now im intrigued " okaaay before I say yes who is it I am roomed with that you want to change for so much" a blush creeps up from her neck to her cheeks and she looks anywhere but my eyes, she's picking at the skin next to her nails when she mumbles quietly enough so that only I can hear "Beth" it takes me a sec to register who she means as we all just call her Meado. When it hits me I bit the inside of my cheek to stop from letting out a laugh in surprise. " of course I will swap with you, I wouldn't stand in the way of young love" I can't help my smile and I she looks very uncomfortable asking this "thank you I will sort the arrangements and tell Serena that we need to switch, she won't care she just doesn't them randomly anyway!"

The coach pulls up to the airport and everyone is getting their stuff together to get off if dawns on my I don't know who I am now rooming with since the switch "ohh not that it changes anything but who were you meant to share with before we swapped" she looks me whilst pulling her back pack strap over her shoulder "you're the lucky one you get to share with the captain" she then makes her way to the front of the bus leaving me stood in the aisle staring after her. How am I going to cope sharing a room with Leah for over a month. Lord help me.

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