Wake up call

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We allowed ourselves to celebrate the win, to enjoy reaching the final. We have done what we set out to do whatever happens next noone can take that away from us.

"So kid am I going to get you alone at any point today or is everyone going to keep stealing you away" Leah has come to sit next to me in the changing room, I have changed out my kit into the travel top and shorts and was enjoying watching the girls take turns singing along to the speaker in the room. I don't think sweet Caroline will ever get old to us

"I'm sorry but when you're responsible for creating the two chances that won us the game then obviously I'm going to be in demand" I had a smug look on my face but it was soon wiped off when she smacked me in the arm

"Wow I'm surprised your head fit through the door, that ego is something else huh" she was smiling as she said it, she knows I'm joking anyone that actually thought that about themselves would not last long in this team.

"I'm serious though, I feel like I haven't seen you properly since yesterday afternoon" After the meeting and chat with Beth I didn't feel like going up to bed straight away so I watched some of France's previous game highlights to be fully prepared for today. By the time I got back to our room Leah was already asleep.

"I know, it's not intentional I swear, I'm trying to spread myself across the team"

"Excuse me? Something I should know about?" She raised an eyebrow in faux shock

"Not like that, get your mind out the gutter! My time, I'm trying to spread my time across the team"

"Whatever you say. I've got to get showered and do a couple more interviews meet you on the coach?"

"Now who's the big deal being taken away"

"Don't be jealous, I'll be sure to make time for you later if your big head manages to to get through the door that is" she stands up and starts to walk away but turns round and leans down to give me a kiss of the cheek "you were amazing today you make me so proud to call you my girlfriend" she whispers into my ear and I feel the cheesiest grin form on my face and was not bothered in the slightest by the mocking from the other girls once Leah had left the room

The coach home was more reserved that I had first thought it would be, the celebrations came to a natural conclusion when Sarina ended the night with a team talk getting us refocused on how to beat the USA "Girls you have 3 days to change your lives, the question now is not if you're good enough as you have proven that time and time again. The question is do you want it enough?"


I wake up early the next day after the best night sleep I've had since being here. I turn over and place a very gentle kiss on Leahs cheek, she starts to stir.

"Leah, wake up there's something I want to show you"

"Can you show me at a more reasonable time, if you recall we didn't exactly get an early night"

I cant help but get lost in the memories of last night, we arrived back to the hotel and excused ourselves pretty early after dinner claiming we were both tired however by the looks from Beth and Kiera they knew that we were lying. Once we got back to the room I had barely locked the door behind us when Leah spun me round and pushed me against it.
"I've been thinking about kissing you since you stepped on the pitch today, watching you play turns me on more than you know"
She was switching between biting and kissing my neck, she was being rougher than usual but I didn't care she could leave whatever marks on me she wanted.
"Ohh yeah anything in particular and I will make sure to do it again?" I was a little breathless already and was struggling to concentrate as Leah put her leg in between mine causing enough friction to make me moan.
"As if I would tell you that easily"
I push off from the wall and lay her down on the bed with me on top . We kiss hungrily as if we can't get enough of each other and I can't wait to hear her call out my name so I don't bother talking off her clothes and slip my hand down the front on her shorts. No time for teasing I just want to make her feel good and quickly. She is already so wet for me as I slip two fingers inside her causing her back to arch and her to call out my name  "y/n please fuck me"
I dont respond in words but start pumping my fingers grazing over her g spot. It wasn't long before I felt her walls tighten and her body shake, the look on her face is something I will never get tired of.
"You're so beautiful Leah"

I'm drawn back to the present moment by Leah pulling me down to lay next to her
"How could I forget but I promise its worth it and we can have a nap when we ger back"
"Do I have to get dressed?"
"If I had my way then no but we will be in public and I'm sure you don't want people to see you like that"
She huffs and pulls the covers off her to throw on a hoodie and a pair of shorts
"You're lucky I Lo... erm like you I wouldn't be up at this time for anyone else"
"I feel honoured" did i imagine that or did she almost-  no surely not.

After almost carry / dragging Leah down to the car park I managed to get her in the front seat of one of the medic cars ( they are free to use when we aren't playing but noone takes them as they are plastered with the team logo on so are not very inconspicuous) luckily it's early enough not to worry about being spotted by too many people.

I drive 30 mins down the road to an overlook, below is the town we are staying surrounded by the mountains with forests as far as you could see
Leah had fallen back to sleep on the drive and I couldn't help but feel guilty waking her up for a second time.
"Leah we're here, wake up baby"
"Hmm I'm awake" she manages to mumble clearly still on the brink of sleep
"Of course you are, could you prove it by opening your eyes for me?"
She slowly opens her eyes and blinks a couple times to get them to focus. We are just in time to see the sun rise over the horizon reflecting on the windows of the town below and causing hundreds of birds to fly from the trees and dance in the sky
"Wow" was all Leah could manage as she was in awe of the view
"Worth the early wake up call I hope?" I was a little nervous to bring her here incase she didn't like it, one of the fans messaged me on Instagram telling me this is a must see thing in the area and it was clear to see why
"It's so beautiful, thank you for bringing me here"
"Theres something I want to say to you before we get caught up in the crazy schedule of the final and whatever comes after"  she is still looking out at the view and I can see the light hitting her skin causing her to look like she's glowing
"I'm falling for you hard and I know its not been easy and there's been more bumps in the road than either of us would have liked but I wouldn't change a single second as its led us to this moment" she's stopped looking out the front and has turned in her seat to give me her full attention her eyes are welling up and the smile on her face is better than any sunrise I will ever see.
"I'm falling for you too y/n I didn't think anyone could make me as happy as you have in such a short space of time".
It's my turn for my eyes to well up. I pull her in and kiss her gently and slowly. After a couple minutes we pull away and sit in silence as we watch the rest of the town start to wake up.

The captain and me Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant