The future

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Staying calm for Leah was one thing but as soon as Kiera and I arrived at the gym I let my anger and frustrations out on the punching bag.
"Damn I thought you were the calm one out of the two of you" Kiera tried to joke but I was too focused on what was in front off me and shutting my mind off to everything else.
After around 20 minutes I was covered in sweat and could barely lift my arms anymore but I felt better and was able to think clearer. I don't blame Jordan for what she did I wouldn't want to see Leah happy with anyone else either, I don't know if I would have done the same in her situation and I hope I never have to find out.

Kiera had got a text from Lucy and had to leave which left me alone to wash this day off in the showers. I turned on the hot water and stood under it letting it wash over me like a blanket. I hadn't heard the door to the cubicle open and only noticed I was no longer alone when I felt hands trace from my hips to my stomach wrapping them selves around me from behind. After the incident with Hempo I want going to risk this again but when she kissed from my shoulder up my neck to my cheek there was no denying this was my girl.
"I've been looking for you" she mumbles into the crook of my neck
"Hmmm well you kept me waiting" with the hot water hitting me from the front and the feeling of her body holding me from behind I felt more relaxed that I had in years.
"I'm sorry but I'm here now" she gently bites on the spot she know I like the most and I feel my knees give out a little but she grips tigher around my waist to hold me up.
"Easy there kid don't want you slipping and getting injured now do we" I can hear how proud she is that she has such an affect on me so easily. I turn in her arms and see her grinning down at me. I lean in and close the distance between our lips, the kiss feels like something you see in films or maybe I'm confusing the shower with being in the rain. I melt into her and let her take control, she moves her hand from my waist to the back of my neck holding me to her but she doesn't deepen the kiss despite my attempts. She pulls away and looks at me eyes a little unfocused.
"Don't tempt me because I want to so bad but we are in the team showers and I don't want anyone walking in on us"
"Mmmhmmm" was all about I could manage as I was coming down from the kiss. She laughs and pulls me into a hug that I think we both needed.
After a few minutes I suddenly noticed something
"Leah are you still fully clothed?" I pull back from her hug to see her still in the clothes she wore on our date now soaked through from the shower
"Yeah, well I wasn't expecting to find you here and then when I saw you I couldn't wait to hold you so the clothes stayed" she runs her hand through her wet hair and looks away a shy look on her face. I turn her to look back at me
"You're very cute when you're being shy"
"Shhh don't tell the rest of the team I have a reputation to uphold"
" Your secrets safe with me captain softy"

We both dry off and Leah changes into her spare training kit she keeps in the locker "for emergencies" I didnt ask anymore questions because im pretty sure I didn't want to know what constituted an emergency.
As we are getting ready to join the rest of the team to watch the match playing today I can see Leah deep in thought.
"I can almost hear the wheels turning what are you thinking about over there?"
" who me? Ohh nothing"
"Come on Leah I can see you want to talk about something"
"Okay, look I wasn't going to bring it up until after the tournament because I didn't want to put pressure on you but would you ever consider coming to Arsenal?"
" well er you mentioned your contract ends at the end of the season so I thought maybe you would be up for a change, you're an incredible footballer and I know you'll get so many offers after how you've played this tournament"
"So has this all been about you trying to recruit me? Was any of this real?"
"Y/n no don't be silly of cou..."
"I'm winding you up, I couldn't help it sorry" I had to cut her off I felt so bad when her face dropped. The death stare im getting now though I know im in trouble but I can't help but chuckle.
"What? I'm sorry I was just messing with you. Thank you for the offer but I'm pretty sure Arsenal have to ask me themselves"
"And if they do?"
"I will consider it but I don't want it to be a favour from you, I want to earn my place in any team I play in"
"Trust me you've earned it"

We have the semi finals tomorrow and I'm shitting it. I left Leah watching the other semi final with the team and went to find my mum, she can always relax me and I miss her even though she's in the hotel down the street ,our camp feels like a bubble of training and games.

As I get to her door I can hear talking and laughing from her room, I knock and mum opens the door with a glass of wine in her hand.
"Hello darling what a nice surprise, I thought you were busy with Leah today" she wraps her arms around me and all is right with the world
"Yeah we went out earlier but then it all got a bit crazy, she's watching the game and I needed a mum hug" she squeezes me tigher and almost spills her wine
"Are you having a party I heard laughing?"
"Ooo where are my manners come in and join us, we were actually just comparing stories about standing in the rain watching you girls play"
"watching us girls?" I walk into the room and I'm greeted with a huge smile by Leahs mum
"Mrs Williamson, its lovely to see you again" I give her a big hug as well
"Y/n I've told you to call me Amanda honestly you make me feel old when you call me that"
"I know im sorry, so what are you two up to then?"
"Well seeing as our daughters are too busy with eachother we're making the most of our time here" the comment from my mum makes my cheeks turn a nice shade of red thinking about the time we have been spending together. I shake my head and look away before they can see me
"Well im here now can I crash the party?"
"of course" they both say at the same time and then burst out laughing, looks like a friendship is blossoming.

I spend the next hour laughing and chatting with Mum and Amanda. It almost feels like the perfect day minus a slight hiccup but I'm going to choose to forget that for now. My phone buzzes and its a text from Leah checking in, I reply back with a selfie of all us making funny faces. She relies almost instantly
"Haha hope you're having fun, miss you xx"
"Ohh we are, I've seen some questionable baby pics of you, do you want to explain the bowl cut xx?
I see she's read it but doesn't reply suddenly her mums phone buzzes and she spins her phone round so show me
"STOP SHOWING HER BABY PICTURES OF ME!  Also thanks for the invite "
Then my phone buzzes
"Don't forget I have your mum's number I can ask for embarrassing pictures too haha team meeting in an hour btw Serina just called it. America won their semi final xx"
"Don't you dare. Okay heading back now x"

I say goodbye to Amanda and my mum and head back to the hotel. We play France tomorrow so an early night after the meeting. Coaches orders.

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