Lets begin

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As predicted I really didn't sleep well Leah keep talking in her sleep, she kept saying that " this is England" and "special team", words I'd heard a lot from the press conferences leading up to us being here. What kept me up though was the grip she had around my waist and her lips pressed against my neck and the occasional "kid" I can't even begin to understand the pressure she is under but if being a body for her to hold whilst she slept was all I did for this tournament I would be happy.

0600 rolls round quicker than expected and I awaken after what felt like 20 mins of sleep to the harsh beeping of the alarm, I hit snooze and feel Leah stir behind me. I turn and see her sleepy eyes look at me from inches away.
"Morning kid, did you sleep okay?"
"Erm not really, you know you talk in your sleep?"
"Ohh God do I? Did I keep you up?"
"You do but no I think im just nervous"
I look at her taking in her in for the first time from this distance, I notice the faint freckles across her nose and the flecks of brown in her eyes
"Nervous of the tournament or sharing a bed with me? It's too early for this but my heart skips a beat as she licks her lips and glances from my eyes to my mouth and back, I feel myself gravitating towards her slightly parted mouth
"I think bbboth" fucking stutter hasn't come out in 10 years but this girl has me rattled.
"That's okay kid, I'm here to help you relax, is there anything I can do to help those nerves"
She pushes up on to her elbow looking down at me, still only a breath away
" well maybe a ki"
My sentence is interrupted by the alarm indicating the snooze period is over, it jolted me and Leah to opposite side of the bed and brought both of us back to reality.
"We really should get up and ready" Leah is the first to break the silence and the tension between us
"Okay ill shower first" I say just to be able to get a little distance between us. I get up and grab my practice kit and head to the bathroom, I hear Leah saying something like "save water" and "two can fit in there" but I must have misheard and close the door behind me. Looking in the mirror I notice my pupils are slightly dilated and my face flush, this crush is getting the better of me I need to get it together and play my best and I can't do that with distractions so I must avoid Leah today in hopes of playing good enough for Sarina to notice me.

I shower and get dressed, as I leave the bathroom Leah is waiting to jump in the shower and passes me on the way, she lightly touches my arm sending an electric shock straight though me. As soon as she closes the bathroom door I decide that I can't sit around thinking about her a few feet away wet and naked so I get my stuff and walk down to breakfast alon. I see G sat at a table with Meado so after grabbing some food I sit down with them.
"Hey y/n wheres Leah, didn't you come down together"
"Nahh I left her to shower, food was calling to me" I'm hoping they buy that I was just hungry not avoiding the sexual tension, but by the looks of the hands under the table I may have interrupted some tension down here
"Did you two sleep well?" I say with a smirk
"Yes very well thank you solid 8 hours nothing to report" Meado was very quick with her response and G put her face in her palm. I let out a chuckle to and try to relax them
"Well im very happy the swap worked out and you two are happy" I finish with a wink
"Ohh and don't worry I won't tell anyway unless you want me too" that part was said as a whisper and a more relaxed couple both reply with soft " thank you "

After breakfast we head out to the pitch to run some drills, Leah seemed to have skipped breakfast but walked out onto the training pitch a couple mins before the coaches and manager, she had this mad look in her eye and never looked my way.

"Right guys let's have a training game split yourselves into 2 teams first goal wins" Sarina shouts whilst walking onto the pitch. Not surprisingly me and Leah are on opposite teams looks like we're both avoiding each other.

Its a close competition as neither side wants to foul anyone with the risk of injury but also neither wants to lose, I am playing with Russo to my right and kiera slightly behind, kiera passes to Lessy who does a one touch pass through the legs of Millie bright, the only one in front of me is Hampton who's squares herself in the goal, as I'm striding forward winding up to take the shot in comes a sliding tackle from behind buckling my legs. I am laying in a heap with Leah with a surging pain in my ankle I let out a cry of agony and the physios are to me in seconds. Leah is taken away by Kiera and is being shouted at my the manager for potentially injuring me but still she doesn't look my way.

I am stretchered off the pitch with tears rolling down my face with calls from the team of "It takes more than that to stop y/n"

Sitting inside the recovery room the physios have wrapped my ankle and declared it a sprain which will heal in a couple days. I lay there quite relaxed now my pain meds have kicked in when Leah walks in.
"Don't expect me to aplogise"
"Wow captain way to welcome in a new player to the squad, its just a sprain in case you cared"
Shes winces at my comment and blows out a deep breath
"You didn't wait for me"
"This morning after I showered I walked into an empty room then saw you with G and Beth laughing having the best time at breakfast, did it not occur to you that I might want to have breakfast with you?"
Shes pacing the room not looking at me, shit I didn't think she would react this way
"Leah, I'm sorry I just had to get away from the room I wasnt thinking straight"
"Away from me? I knew I should have slept on the floor" her head his hung low and she is playing with the drawstring of her shorts. I hop off the bed and make my way towards her, yes hopping is very sexy and should be appreciated when in pain. She sees me coming and closes the distance holding out her arms for me to balance on.
"I am sorry Kid I was upset and wasn't thinking straight I didnt want to hurt you"
"It's okay I'll heal, luckily you're on my team for real soon don't want to be on the end of that tackle again" she smiles but adjusts her grip so she is taking most of my weight on her arms
"Why were you so upset?" I close the gap between us so I am resting in an almost hug and lean on my good foot
"Well upset may be a bit strong I just didn't expect you to leave without me" the pain meds were really kicking in now which can only explain what I say next.
"I couldn't stay"
"Because you being naked only a few feet from me, if I didn't leave I would have joined you"
See this is why I shouldn't be alone with people lack of a filter really gets me into trouble sometimes .
She doesn't say anything but looks at me and just smiles
"Ohh? I wasn't expecting a monologue but a little more than that would be nice"
Instead of speaking she closes the little gap between us and leans in, I feel her lips touch mine and my whole head explodes, I manage to kiss her back and place a hand on the back of her neck. She increases the pressure and I feel her tongue against my lips, I willingly open my mouth and her tongue is against mine whilst her hands hold me steady against her body. Thankfully she does because other wise my knees would give way. The kiss is a battle for dominance and never one to back down I find my opportunity and bite her bottom lip which earns me a moan from her. Without breaking the kiss she lifts me up so I am sat on the physios table and she moves between my legs. I move to her neck drawing more moans from her. Just as it starts she pulls away seconds before the doctor appears to check on me we are both out of breath and looking guilty.
"Right let's check on our pat... ohh Leah I didn't expect you here, are you okay you look flushed"
"Yeah all good doc just a hard practice" and with that she turns and leaves me to think over what just happened, I can't stop thinking about her lips on mine and the moans from her mouth. I hope I didn't just imagine the whole thing, these tablets are pretty strong.

A/n sorry for any mistakes I have been celebrating the Euros win with a few drinks!! Well done England LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!!

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