Chapter 16- The First Step

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--Lucian POV--

"Legally, there's not much I can do. But illegally, I can pull a few strings if you insist,"

"If I wanted things done illegally, I could very well have done them myself. And gotten away with it too," I grumbled, sitting up on the large, empty bed with my back pressed against the headboard as I spoke to Reid on the phone.

"I know that, it was just a suggestion," He mumbled from the other end.

"I don't want suggestions, I want answers. You know it doesn't make sense,"

"No, it doesn't. But he's a Moretti, and prior to marrying him, she didn't exactly come from a powerful or influential family, did she?" I groaned yet again, rubbing my temples.

"I'm aware of that. That's why this whole contract was put into place," I took a moment to look at the time which read it was half ten in the morning, but the side of the bed that was supposed to be my wife's was cold, meaning it's been empty for some time.

Now I can only wonder where she has meandered off to.

"No one exactly knows the depth of which their influence goes, but we can assume that they have connections in law. How else would Donovan Moretti have been able to get away with everything he's taken from her?"

"Right," I sighed, flabbergasted.

"To keep everything, and refuse to give anything to her as alimony is one thing, but to steal a company that was created under her name with no prior connection to himself is on a whole other level, it doesn't make sense for a man like Donovan who needs nothing from a woman who has much less than him,"

We could keep talking about how none of this is fair to Angelina for the next few years, but then nothing would get done, and I had a time limit.

"Okay, so what can I do to help?" I asked.

"It's a bit of a tricky situation to be in, seeing as he's using illegal methods to get what he wants. Worst case scenario, you might have to do the same. But for now, your best bet is to find the rats working for him. There's no way he would have bought out the whole police force," He had a point there.

"And the best way to find a rat would be to plant one of my own," I muttered under my breath as I started thinking.

But it was cut short thanks to this jerk that I tolerated.

"If we're done for now, can I ask why you're talking to me right now instead of being with your wife on your honeymoon?"

"I thought you knew it was a contract marriage?" I raised a confused brow.

"Oh no, I am well aware of that, I don't think you are though," What the hell is he on about now?

"Why do you say that?" My brow raised itself higher.

"Because I've never seen a man put so much effort into a marriage that isn't even real. I thought I was dreaming when I saw that I got a call from you, usually, it's the other way around, and furthermore, you weren't even calling for your own sake, but for the sake of a woman whom you barely know..." I scoffed.

"What about it? Contract or not, she is my wife by law now. You should know that better than anyone else," I glared at my phone screen.

"Whatever you say," He sang.

"You annoying li-"

"Well, would you look at the time? I best be going, best of luck to you and your bride, I'll talk to you later," And he hung up without another word. What a jerk.

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