Chapter 36- A Villain who Wins

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--Angelina POV--

Panting, I turned around to face him while snuggling closer to the heat of his naked body as he wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning down to pepper kisses along my shoulder.

"Again?" He suggested.

"Are you mad? I swear, you're like a dog in heat," I jokingly slapped his shoulders as he gave up with a pout, rubbing his forehead against my neck where he rested.

"It's not my fault that I love you so much," He mumbled, his breath tickling my skin.

"Well, it's not my fault either,"

"If it's not your fault then whose fault is it?" He leaned back for a moment to meet my gaze through the darkness with a raised brow as I scoffed, trying, and failing, to hide the amused smile that was seeping through.

"...Can you tell me what you love about me?" I quietly whispered out in the intimate moment, taking him by surprise at the sudden change of conversation.

"That's not an easy question to answer," He eventually replied, getting comfortable in his position as he pulled me closer to him while I worked to cling to the bedsheets that were trying to help me cover myself from his wandering gaze.

My chest fell at his words, but before I could jump to any conclusions, the warmth of his palm resting against my cheek caused me to look at him once more.

"Since I love everything about you, and more." And I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his cheesy reply as he chuckled with me, kissing my eye before leaning back, and we both lay there staring at each other for a long moment.

"I love Angelina because there is only one of you, and whether in reincarnation of the afterlife, you are the only woman whom I will ever be able to love this much, I know that for a fact,"

"A fact, really?" I was the one to raise my brow this time as he confidently nodded his head.

"I'm sure there are more people in this world that are just as dedicated, beautiful, strong-willed, and... malevolent... as you, but I was lucky enough to stumble across you by pure chance, three times at that, so I no longer believe it to be coincidence, but rather destiny."

"I thought you didn't believe in that kind of stuff,"

"I didn't, but that was before I met you... I'm not sure if God exists or not, but if he does then I'm certain he sent me you. You are the only one that I love, my Angel," And he looked at me, all of me, so there was no room in my head for a single negative thought.

"But if you want more detail than that; I love your cooking, your smell, smile, and laugh. I love how comfortable your body feels against mine-" He took a moment to pull me closer as a laugh ripped through my throat.

"-I love the feel of your heartbeat against mine, your racing pulse when you're near me-" He leaned his head down to kiss my throat as I shivered, the excited chills running up and down my spine repeatedly.

"-I love the way you look at me-" And he climbed over me, eyes meeting mine once more as he poked my nose, and I scrunched my face up with the sudden infestation of wild butterflies in my stomach.

"-That crinkle that appears on the top of your nose bridge when I make fun of you," He poked the said crinkle with an amused laugh as I blushed, covering my face.

"I love how you are humble, caring, and talented. I love how you work hard despite the many obstacles in your life. I love how you look when you sleep, although I worry you might be dead sometimes because you don't move or make a sound," I scoffed as he chuckled, grabbing my hand to kiss my knuckles.

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