Chapter 33- The Verge of Insanity

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--Donovan POV--

I returned to the hotel that night with a raging fury, steering clear of everything, and everyone.

That prick! Who the hell does he think he is to just barge in the middle of our conversation, and grab her as if she belonged to him!? He had to get it through his thick head that she was just using him to get back at me for cheating on her.

"Don, darling what's wrong?"

"Nothing, Nevaeh. I'd appreciate it if you left me alone right now," I huffed, going to sit down on the couch as I slumped forward, massaging my temples as I tried to calm down.

"Is this about Angelina? Did she say something to you at the party?" She sat down beside me, much to my displeasure, as she continued to speak. "I knew we shouldn't have gone to that party; she can't seem to understand that you hate her-"

"-Nevaeh, shut up," I cussed, cutting her off.

And she looked at me, surprised, like a deer caught in headlights.

"E-Excuse me?" She stuttered, opening and closing her mouth like a dying fish as she thought of things to say to me, but not quick enough.

"I said shut up, you're giving me a headache," She frowned, sitting up straight as she looked at me, her thoughts swirling around in her eyes.

 "This is because of Angelina,"

I sighed, rolling my eyes as she began speaking again.

"It's all because of her, I know it."

"It's really not," I muttered.

"You used to be so kind and caring, you changed after you saw her again, did she say something bad about me? Is that why you've become so distant? She reminded you that I come from no wealth like she does, isn't that right?"

"Not in the slightest," I shook my head, giving up on trying to explain to her as I stood up, going to leave without giving her the time of day. She can keep jumping to conclusions for all I care, I have better things to do than to entertain her silly theories about my Angelina.

"Donovan, don't you walk away from me!" I ignored her incessant shouting as she began following me. Even my own mother didn't talk to me like that when she was alive, and Angelina never once raised her voice at me either, so why the hell would I listen to this nobody?

"You can't do this to me! Tell me what she said! Is it because she's prettier? She comes from a richer family without any annoying siblings or parents? Because she's liked by your father-"

"-Yes! Yes! Yes! To everything you've just said, and more!" I lost my temper as I spun on my heel, taking her by surprise as she took a step back, but I carried on speaking, or rather, shouting, all the facts that she didn't want to hear to her face.

"She is better than you in every aspect of every way, more than you could ever know! She's beautiful, smart, graceful, and humble beyond words! She's the perfect Duchess, and I'm the jerk that let her go because of my damned inferiority complex, so now I'm stuck with your nagging self that never shuts up about your perfect new life!" Nothing I said was a lie.

"You are the cause of all my problems! Because of you! I am standing on the verge of insanity! All I want is to have her back, but you ruined it all! If you never begged her for a job that you knew you were under-qualified for, then none of this would have happened! She'd probably have given birth to my children by now! If not for you..." I drifted off, realising that I should calm down unless I wanted my fury to shatter the glass of the room.

"Wh-What do you mean by that?... Tell me your joking," She suddenly became quiet as she spoke, trembling in front of me like a leaf.

But no matter how angry I got, I wasn't so pathetic as to stoop down to the level of physical abuse, if she knew me, she'd know that.

"I'm not joking, everything I said is true. And Angelina doesn't need to say anything for me to realise how pathetic you are. You did that on your own," I scoffed, rolling my eyes as I looked her up and down.

I don't know what I was thinking when I picked her, this woman isn't good enough to hold the title of Duchess of Ludovica. I swear, she must have used black magic or something on me to fool me, and it temporarily worked.

"I don't know what I ever saw in you," I muttered under my breath. 

"You can't- You can't be doing this... Why? Why would you let me fall in love with you then!? Why would you fall in love with me!? You gave me a taste of this perfect, lavish life, and now you want to take it away from me!?"

Money. If it's money that she's after then silencing her won't be difficult.

"Why!? Even after I bathed myself in riches for you do you still pick her over me!? You were supposed to be bored of her! I'm the perfect woman that everyone loves, I'm different from Angelina. I've come too far in life to go back to what I came from!"

I wonder how long this new lecture of hers will last?

"I know I'm not perfect, but no one's perfect. Angelina had everything in life, but you were supposed to be mine, I stole you from her so why are you trying to go back to her?"

"Has no one ever told you that stealing is bad?" I scratched my neck as I said that half-heartedly, and she scoffed, glaring at me through her unshed tears.

"I don't want to hear that from you, not when you stole a whole company from her, and didn't even pay any proper settlement money as alimony, what a hypocrite," She scoffed.

"I made mistakes, I admit. But it's as you said, no one's perfect," I raised my hands in surrender as I spoke. "And since you seem to understand, I'm going to ask you to quietly leave my life without a fuss so that I can go back to being with Lina as I did before you intruded,"

She scoffed once again. "You're being serious?"

"Crystal. Now, I'm going to bed to cool off, and when I wake up, I'd like to see you with your name signed on the divorce papers, my secretary will be coming to drop it off in a bit," I specified as her jaw fell to the ground.

And I turned to go to my room, and thankfully, she didn't follow me this time.

There's one problem over with.

I woke up the next morning feeling lighter now that Nevaeh found out that I didn't like her, she's sure to leave me alone soon. Let's hope she signed the divorce papers.

And I told myself that today would be a better day.

I'll divorce Nevaeh, and once she's out of the picture, I'll go to Angelina and win her back. Father will be proud of me as I get married to her again, and I'll give her back her company, and we'll have three kids in the future, at least.

Everything will settle down, and it'll be as if none of this drama ever happened. It will be as if Nevaeh never even existed.

Or so I thought.

Until I heard wrenching from the bathroom. 

So, I got out of bed, going to the connected bathroom to see Nevaeh hunched over the toilet seat as she threw up, looking like an absolute mess.

Is she dying? That's one way to get rid of her, saves me the time of having to divorce her and give her any settlement money.

"What's wrong with you?" I eventually asked as I watched her flush the toilet before leaning back against the wall, breathing out a heavy breath.

And she opened her eyes, looking at me through hooded eyes as a small smirk crept up onto her face, almost sadistic looking, and my blood ran cold as I realised it couldn't have been any sort of good news.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," She whispered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I sighed, crossing my arms.

"We're going to be parents... I'm pregnant,"

And that's when I realised; Winning Angelina back would be a lot more difficult than I thought.


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