Chapter 32- Another Step Forward

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--Lucian POV--

I was talking to one of my business associates when I noticed something odd, the change in the mood within the socialites mingling around my garden.

"It seems that there's a surprise guest," Reid spoke as he walked up to me.

"Surprise guest?" I echoed, confused. 

Who had the audacity to enter my home premises without an invitation? Were the security guards doing that bad of a job? Or did I invite someone unexpected, the only people I could think of were Donovan and his wife, but they came a few hours ago and that drama's already calmed down.


"Did you hear? I heard a Gonzalez was here," Two gossiping young women walked passed as they giggled to themselves, confirming my suspicions.

"Why is he here? Especially when he said he couldn't make it?" I cursed under my breath, eyes scanning over the large expanse of space as I searched for a man in black.

"I did warn you to be on your toes when a Gonzalez was involved, especially if the Gonzalez we're talking about is Leandro," Reid sassily spoke as he sipped on his champagne.

"That man is going to cause havoc in my home if he's here. Find him," I turned to tell my secretary as he nodded, quickly rushing away to do as told.

"If you'll excuse me, we'll continue with this conversation later," I stepped back, excusing myself from the group of old men I had been talking to about business related things before going to sea5rch for the man myself.

Thankfully, all the Gonzalez's have something in common; they wear black, and nothing but black, when they're socialising or working, it's their signature. And I was trying to use that to my advantage as I looked through my guests who were all following the dress code of the party.

"Did you find him?" I asked Stefan, my secretary, as he walked up to me.

"No, sire. I've asked some of the workers to help look for him though. It's safe to assume that he's somewhere in the mansion, it might be a good idea to keep the missus by your side in the time that his whereabouts remain unknown-"

"-Where is she?" I realised, coming to a halt.

Over the fact that Leandro Gonzalez was in my home right now, I was more fearful of the fact that my wife wasn't within my line of sight. 5 minutes, I look away for 5 minutes and she's managed to disappear.

And on cue, I caught sight of Julia talking to another friend of hers not far from me, and i didn't wait another extra moment to go and ask her.

"Have you seen Angelina?" I asked.

"I thought she'd be with you or your mother? We went to the conservatory together, but I went to get my champagne refilled, and when I went back she wasn't there. Is something wrong?" She looked concerned as she asked.

The nerves began to dance inside me the longer I stood there thinking. She wasn't with my mother since that woman was busy dancing with her husband inside, she's not with Julia who's right in front of me, and I'm not sure where else she could be.

But I wasn't afraid of the fact that I couldn't see her. It's because I didn't know where she was, especially now of all times when many of my enemies are gathered in the same place, and not to mention, I've got a missing guest, and my wife's ex-husband in the same estate.

Things can't get any worse.

"The fireworks are scheduled to go off in half an hour, sire. I'm sure your wife will make a reappearance with the rest of the guests when that happens,"

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