Chapter 59

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"Ryker!" She spoke while he drove towards Feline's place.


"Can we spend today together? We haven't been alone lately and need to talk." She asked.

"About what?" He questioned.

"I'm actually scared, you know all this wedding thing is freaking me out." She confessed.

Making an abrupt turn he drove towards their penthouse, it should be prepared for them by now, all their clothes and belongings were moved there this morning.

"Where are we going?" She requested in curiosity.

"Our place." 

The drive wasn't that long, Ryker opened the door for her and led the way to the penthouse, as expected everything was put in place. Sitting down on one of the couches Ryker leaned back in an attempt to relax, looking oh so masculine all Willow could do was gulp her saliva in admiration.

"Sit down." He spoke, his voice deeper than earlier.

"Tell me what's the problem? What's scaring you?" He looked into her eyes.

"We will have more responsibilities, at least I will. I don't know my heart is heavy and I-" She confessed before he cut her off by grabbing her waist and putting her on his lap to straddle him.

"Didn't we talk about this?" He smiled putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"We did." She looked down at his broad chest before locking eyes with him again, "but it doesn't seem to put my heart in peace." 

"Are you hiding something? Tell me everything that is bothering you."

"I'm not hiding anything, Ryker."

"Willow we are already married, the whole thing is that we're going to make it public. What will change other than that?" 

"What do you expect from me?" She asked.

"To respect me and my family and to not lie nor cheat, nothing else." He shrugged.

"Will you still have affairs after the ceremony?" She asked.

"I haven't had one ever since we moved to the penthouse." He confessed.

"I smelt a girl on you last time when you-"

"I didn't touch her, nothing happened between us." He confessed.

"But she touched you since her perfume remained." She glared.

Ryker smiled the second he understood what was happening, his Willow is starting to get jealous and protective over him which actually warmed his heart. His hand found her cheek cupping it.

"Is my tigress jealous?"

"I'm not, I just expect you to not cheat since I'm not going to cheat. If it's okay for you to have affairs it should be okay for me to have them too-" Willow couldn't finish her phrase before she found herself pinned on the large couch with the big Ryker hovering over her, the smile that once existed turned into a scary glare. He pinned her hands above her and whispered into her right ear, "I want to see you try it.", Willow gulped shivers going down her spine from the intensity of the proximity and his voice, she tried squirming under him to free herself but to no avail.

"I will not cheat on you and you will not cheat on me, end of the story." He warned.

"Fair enough." She commented before gulping down her stress.

"What about kids?" She asked "Number!"

"Whatever number you can afford." He responded before helping her up into his lap once again.

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