chapter 1

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"Oh my god, I can't believe I'm going to uni, so excited I can't wait for it to start."

"Oh do not be, trust me it's nothing special and you will get bored really soon." responded her friend.

"Can you at least not ruin my mood and let me live the moment." she glared at him

"But you know it's true." He laughed

"Shut up!!" she yelled not wanting him to destroy her dreams of uni she has been waiting for the day when she goes to a new place and meet new people and most importantly her prince charming.

"You will come nagging at how boring and stressful it is in no time. No worries I'll be here for you." he chuckled teasing her.

"You know what, I'm leaving I've got work to do." she spoke leaving towards her home "And don't call me." she sang out loud reaching the door.

Willow has been saving herself all these past years in hopes of finding the right man and that at university, yet something bothered her a great deal.

Reaching her house she walked straight to her room calling her friend -the one she so kindly ordered not to call her- yet she needed to talk to him, they have been friends since primary school.

"Didn't you say 'don't call me!'?" he mimicked her voice through the phone.

"Actually, Mike there's this thing that is bothering me."

"What is it?" He asked suddenly serious

"What if I can't make friends there and I end up all alone in such a huge campus," she spoke desperately.

"Oh come on Willow, we both know that's not gonna happen, girl do you look at yourself in the mirror?" he spoke trying to comfort her.

"You know I don't have one in my bedroom." she joked

"You're going to be alright, just stop glaring at people and you'll be fine." he teased

"I don't glare, that's my face." she sang.

"Oh yeah, yeah... Anyway, call me if you need anything," he spoke

"Okay boo" she responded throwing her phone on the bed. Willow opened her window looking at herself "I am beautiful." she whispered smiling at her reflection.

Throwing herself on the bed, a habit she couldn't get rid of no matter how many times her family nagged about, she reached for her phone sending a message to Mike

<tell the Zed that we need to go out before starting school.>

< Why don't you tell him yourself.> she got a response

< Because I don't want to, you know how possessive his girlfriend is.>

<Kay sweets.>

< don't call me that.>

<Sweets.> he added making her throw her phone again in frustration he knew very well how to get on her nerves.

Putting some music on, she decided to spare her closet the chaos and get things tidy and in order, this is a new start for her and she has to be well prepared for it.

It was evening when she finished, she decided to take a shower and get ready for bed.



Sun rays bothered her beauty sleep, she woke up annoyed until her brain started working, smiling she threw herself back on the bed "Tomorrow is the day." she stretched squeaking. Standing up to wash her face, she looked at herself in the mirror "Oh such a mess, a hot mess." she laughed to herself. Willow took off her hair from the braid she made yesterday after showering; walking towards the kitchen she sat to eat the breakfast her grandmother made.

Sour sweetnessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ