chapter 4

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"How is it?" he asked curiously.

"Awesome, this is so delicious, thank you so much." she smiled cheerfully.

"Enjoy your meal then." he smiled back.


"Dessert?" he asked.

"Sure," she spoke as if he just asked the stupidest question there is.

"Sure." he mimicked amused.

"So do you like uni?" he added

"Let's not talk about it please, all my dreams were crushed." she sighed in frustration making him chuckle.

"I can tell, however you just spent a couple of months there, don't be quick to judge," advised Ryker.

"You spent such a long time there, tell me about it!!"

"Well it has never been as amusing as this year," he spoke looking at her.

"Are you mocking me?" she asked in disbelief.

"Don't take it personal, why are you so edgy though?" he asked curiously.

"That's personal," she answered smiling mischievously.

"Oh God and you hold grudges how sweet," he smirked admiring her.

"Come on we ate dessert, time for our classes, or at least my classes." she shrugged.

"Let's go," he spoke putting money on the table.

"Oh Nah, that's not happening," she said giving him his money.

"My dates don't pay for themselves," he smirked.

"Exactly, I'm not your date, if we focus on the matter at hand you forced me into this taking advantage of my hunger. However, I'm not hungry anymore, and you're not paying for me," she informed him as dramatic as she could be.

"Come on Willow, can you not argue and have a say in everything?" he sighed.

observing her face, he knew very well that there was no way out of it therefore he nodded in defeat.

"Next time I will be the one paying then," he yelled after her as she headed out.

"There will be no next time." she sang sending him a tight smile.

"Oh there will be I promise." he smiled whispering to himself.


"Don't you have a class to attend?" she asked looking at how beautiful he is while driving.

"Curious are we?" he smirked.

"No, you're just driving slow, my lecture starts in ten minutes," she spoke checking her phone.

Willow would never confess it but she was indeed curious.

Ryker looked at her, observing her behavior and how she looked around the streets through the car's window.

He knew very well that it would be fun having her in his life, coming from a wealthy family; he knew she had no clue he is the heir of one of the most leading businessmen in the world.

Unlike most girls at the university, throwing themselves on him, trying to catch his attention; this beautiful girl was nothing but fierce and feisty and he loved it, it felt fresh and new. And as much as he hated women, he wanted this girl all to himself.

"When are you going home?" He asked curiously.


"Why do you have a question for everything?" Asked Ryker, this time annoyed.

"Listen at the end of the day, you are a stranger. I might have been bold enough to get in your car and share a table with you, it doesn't mean I trust you nor does it mean I'm willing." Vocalized a bold Willow, enticing the hot guy's interest, this girl is not easy.

"I didn't ask for your hand. I asked when are you going home?" commented an amused Ryker, causing Willow to blush a deep red in both embarrassment and shame. However, deep down he knew for a fact that if that girl was already his he would've taught her to think before uttering a word by now.

"At 3 PM." She responded shortly, clumsily fidgeting with her fingers on her lap. She wasn't expecting him to throw such a comment.

Willow knew that she can sometimes be a brat, having the same entourage for over a decade, she would from time to time say wrong things at the wrong time. It didn't mean that she's mean but inexperienced when it comes to talking to strangers.

"See how easy it is to let go of that sass." Commented the handsome guy, to which Willow scoffed and shrugged.

"It doesn't last huh." He smirked shaking his head in disbelief.

Reaching their destination, Willow ran towards her friend standing at the entrance waiting for her.

"How was it?" Asked a curious Dina, sending a wink her way.

Ryker looked at her retreating form with a newfound interest, this girl was something else, unlike those he laid with, Willow wasn't putty nor meek and most importantly she didn't seek attention, she earned it effortlessly.

"The food was NICE." She stressed the last word.

"Girl I am asking about the guy, not the food." Glared a disappointed Dina.

"Uh, he... He wasn't bad, just not my vibe." She laughed sheepishly glancing behind her in hopes of catching a glimpse of him, he was nowhere around to her dismay.

Everything was going as per usual, everything but the attention and glares she was receiving from others.

It has been a week since she last saw Ryker, and attending her classes was becoming more and more uncomfortable. She would hear them mumbling incoherent things here and there when she's passing by. Even Dina noticed.

There was this specific blond girl, who was once standing with him during the locust accident. She was giving Willow death glares every time they lock eyes, which surprisingly happened often at such a big campus. Willow didn't think much of it, assuming she hated her for what she said to them back then.

Shrugging, Willow walked towards her lecture paying attention to nothing but her steps.

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