Chapter 60

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It was too late when the movie ended, Willow looked up to meet the eyes of the most handsome man she has ever laid eyes on, she yawned in fatigue before attempting to move away from between his legs but he was fast to stop her.

"You are not going anywhere." He whispered in her right ear sending shivers down her spine.

"Tana, are you hungry?" He asked.

"No, I shall go to sleep." She forced a smile before leaving to the guest room.

Willow found herself held to a hard chest with her legs around his waist, "What are you doing?" She gasped before landing on the soft mattress of their bed.

"Do you still want to sleep here or do you want me to drive you to Feline's? I'll sleep over." He winked.

"No, let's stay here tonight I'll go tomorrow." She shrugged.

Ryker didn't ask for permission before invading her luscious lips until her hands found his chest to protest for some air into her lungs. His body found its way between her legs and continued kissing everywhere on her face, butterflies erupted in her southern region and her body refused to refuse the man she so yearned to have some alone time with.

"You smell divine." He commented.

"So do you." She smiled putting her right hand on his cheek.

"I so want to continue this, but let's wait until after the ceremony." He winked before covering her with the expensive duvet and taking his place next to her so they are facing each other.

"Your grandmother was nice today." She remembered how she treated her and decided to share the information with him.

"Oh she can be, I think she's coming to like you after all." He responded to her while his hand played with her hair.

"Hmm, I wouldn't say so. I think she just has no choice since the ceremony is in a few days."

"Tomorrow I trust you to be at your best behaviour, I don't mind it when you are mean to Jennyfer or Tana but grandma is a redline, am I understood?" His hand found its way to her cheek and gently caressed it.

"You are understood, Mr dean." She teased.

"I will never consider it anyway." She added with a shrug earning herself an appreciative nod.

"By the way, I have a question. What's the punishment for cheating on exams? Asking for a friend." She asked.

"The student will be suspended for a month and the rest is according to their behaviour." He informed.

"What does that mean?" She asked in confusion.

"It means what's sure is that they will be suspended for a month any additional punishments will be according to their behaviour in class during the semester." 

"And what if the student is the dean's wife?" She smirked making him shake his head, the man looked like he was giving up on her sense of logic.

"Well then tell your friend that if she cheats she'll be punished twice by the dean for breaking the rules and by the husband for bringing his name down." He smirked.

Willow looked at him with a bored expression, "You are so boring." 

"You'll take that back in a few days." He smirked making a soft blush erupt on her cheeks.

"Tomorrow, I'll need to go to the mansion first to check the dresses so can you take my bag to Feline's house and check on her?"

"Sure, however, tomorrow is full of meetings I might not check on you throughout the day, you can call me whenever though." He informed.

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