Chapter Seven

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Warning : Contains self harming

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Warning : Contains self harming

A twelve years old girl was standing near the mirror while looking at herself, her eyes swollen and looking red, she sadly smiled at he girl who was in the mirror

Her gaze dropped down to her hands which was holding a sharp blade, she slowly lifted her top, where she could see a fresh marks of wound made by the blade, she bought her hands near her body and just stopped below her ribs

' You are nothing but worthless '

' I wish I never had a sister '

' Why are you still living ? Why don't you die ? '

' Don't ever come before me, I don't want to see your pathetic face '

Her mind was filled with these words, each words was like a painful death, those words are making her hard to breathe

Fresh blood was coming out of her wound, but she didn't care nor see that, she continued to harm herself with the blade , it was painful to her but when she think about those words her pain turns into pleasure

Amaya woke with jerk, tears were rolling down on her cheeks, her forehead was filled with sweat, her breathe became uneven, she quickly got hold of her bag, she started to find the pills, with a shivering hands she took the bottle of pills, she quickly took two pills from the bottle and gulped down with water

Slowly her breathing became normal, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, she mentally noted to call her psychiatrist, It's been so long since she got her nightmares, now it started again

She looked at her surroundings and clothes, she found herself in the living room, sitting on the couch with her white coat, she realised that she slept without her knowledge because of her tiredness

She looked at the clock which showed it is half past twelve, Suddenly her stomach growled in hunger making to remember that she hadn't ate anything from the afternoon, she got up from the couch and made her way towards the kitchen, she opened the kitchen cabinet and took instant noodles, and started to boil the water in kittle.

She turned towards the living hall as she heard some sound more like someone opening the door, she slowly went to the living room, fear engulfed her when she thought ' What if the person other side of the door is burglar ? ' , then she shrugged of the thought as she knows, the place where she is living is a highly secured place, and it's not easy to get in

When the door opened she stilled, their gazes met, they both stared at each other, her heart was beating fast, she couldn't help but stare at him

It's been one month since their argument, ever since that they didn't meet eat other properly, as he use to go to office before she wakes and come backs very late, it's like he is ignoring her, and she is well aware of it

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