Chapter Twenty Seven

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Something is off, she felt it.

The house was suprising silent, she felt the immense anger developing towards Aadit.

He was behaving different since yesterday like nothing happened between them more like he is ignoring her.

She couldn't understand why has to ignore her, he was the one who pushed her to break her own walls, he was the one who kissed her causing her heart to flutter every time, he was the one who made sorrows fly away yet he was the one who is giving her immense pain.

" Your last patient for today has postponed their appointment for tomorrow " her thoughts were interrupted by her assistant.

" Anything else? " She asked which the assistant nodded as no.

" I will take my leave " her assistant said and left her cabin.

Amaya packed her things to leave the hospital, she couldn't work anymore with his thoughts.

She felt her phone vibrating in her hands, she finds herself feeling suprised to see Aadit's mother calling her.

" Hello.." she answered the called

" Hello Amaya! " She heard the voice from the other side.

" Is Aadit with you? " Her mother in law asked.

" No? " she could her mother-in-law's distress in her voice, that almost made her believe that somthing was wrong.

" Is something wrong? " She surprised to hear that her mother-in-law is asking the question that she was supposed to ask.

" No.. nothing? "

" Is Aadit ok? " She asked again making Amaya to think about Aadit's behaviour today.

" Yes, he is " she started her way towards the hospital exist with her mother-in-law on the line, but half a way through she saw Arjun looking lost and different.

Her heart crumbled when she suddenly felt that she lost her Arjun. The Arjun she is with isn't the same who used to be with her, in all her toughest time to give her a shoulder to cry, sometimes to share her joy, sometimes nothing but the comfortable silence.

" Amaya? Amaya.. " the voice on the other side brought her back.

" Yes " she almost replied quickly.

" Actually Amaya, I called you to check upon Aadit " she frowned as why would her mother-in-law call her to check upon Aadit instead of calling him ?

" Is something wrong aunty? " She asked again, just to ensure nothing is wrong.

" Nothing Amaya, I just had a nightmare... could please check on Aadit by going to his office? " By that time Amaya settled in her car.

" Sure.." she replied.

"Then, I will call you afterwards " the call was disconnected by her mother-in-law.

She gripped the steering wheel and felt that something was bizarre today, definitely after the unexpected call from an unexpected person.


She looked at the building infront of her, standing and feeling nervous cause of the first time visiting his office.

She made her way towards the reception and gained the attention of the receptionist who looked at her with a welcoming smile.

" Yes mam, How can I help you? " She asked, Amaya felt her nervousness fading away looking at the receptionist.

" I am here to meet Mr. Aadit kailas " she replied.

" Do you have an appointment? "

" No...but inform him that Amaya is here " Slowly her nervousness came back, she started to regret her decision of coming here without informing Aadit.

" I am afraid you can't " The receptionist whose name is Mia as her name plate says, said.

" I am his w- "

" Mrs. Kailas! " An unfamiliar yet familiar voice interrupted her.

She saw a man coming towards her, she recognised him as Aadit's PA whom Aadit had introduced to her before.

" Good to see you here " he said which she smiled.

" Did you come to see Mr. Kailas? Come I will take you to him. " She followed him as he led the way.

" Thank you! " She said in the way to Aadit's office.

" That's my pleasure! And moreover it's my duty. " Before she could reply him, they stood infront of Aadit's office.

" You can go inside " he smiled for the last time and left the place.

She hesitated to go inside, suddenly she felt the urge to leave the place immediately.

What if he is busy?

What if he didn't like her presence?

What will she say if he ask about her sudden appearance to his office?

What if he yell at her?

Numerous thoughts were echoing inside her head, she took a breath and knocked.

She heard a stern voice from inside which made wonder if she is at the right place.

She slowly opened the door and saw him looking through his files barely even noticing her coming.

He looked...she couldn't find a right word to describe his state.

His shirt was crumbled, his tie was loosened and his hair looked messy and his eyes were red.

He looked devastated but still trying to keep himself together.

" Aadit? " She called him.

He looked up from the files and saw her, she saw his eyes softened a bit, she took the baby step towards him while he got up from his seat.

" Amaya.." he whispered before pulling her into his arms, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

Happy Zappy New Year Everyone!!!
I hope this year will turn to be great.

What do you think?

What may be the reason for Aadit's behaviour?

Next chapter is going to be an important one.

I usually hate doing this but you guys made me to do this.

I want atleast 35 votes in this chapter to update the next chapter.

I had enough! I am tired of not getting any votes, if you don't like the story or if you find the story boring, just tell me or else please leave the book.

I am getting more the 200+ views on every chapter but the votes are always less than 30.

It hurts to see this everytime happening, and this time I won't update till the chapter get 35+ votes and I am serious.

And also if this happens again, I will take down all of my books and will publish the book on some other sites for monetary.

His Uncertain LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora