Chapter Twenty Three

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• A M A Y A  •

' How it feels to be in love?'  I had always wondered as a child.

What does falling in love feel like?

Does it feel like...?

You want to wake up early in the morning and see them sleeping peacefully by your side.

You want to make them laugh, see them smile, and give them comfort.

You imagine going with them on long drives someday in the future, with your kids, singing romantic songs, eating sandwiches joking, and laughing all the way.

You want to sit together on the lawn during rain, under a shed, amidst the scent of mud and the unusual dark sky, have a cup of hot coffee together, and share memories.

You imagine them to be old, wrinkled, and still by your side, holding your hands tight towards the end of the journey.

You imagine giving them a tight hug from behind, to surprise them after you return from a long trip.

You think that you are the best for them, you pledge to wipe their every tear, lend them your shoulders, want to protect them like a mother and support them in tough times.

You want to sit close in a blanket and chat for hours beside a bonfire on a chilling winter evening on top of a hill, in complete silence under the beautiful light of a full moon, staring at the beautiful hills.

You start imagining a simple yet beautiful life with a person, and they somehow suddenly become a part of all our dreams, imaginations, and visions for life.

If it is love, then I am definitely in love. If I could able to meet my younger self who always dreamt of falling in love and wondering how it feel, I would probably say to her that falling in love feels like a sin, a pleasurable sin.

I stared at the sleeping figure in front of me, my finger touched and removed the cute frown on his forehead. My fingers moved closer to the hair, removing the soft locks, I smiled as I see him move closer.

" Amaya..." I heard a whisper, I quickly pulled myself out of his grip causing him to whine lightly in his sleep.

" What? " I asked Aadya who is now sitting on the other side of the bed rubbing her eyes.

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