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Jiyeon blinked her eyes, couldn't believe what she just heard from the other's lips.

Her heart is doing backflips as she faced the direction ahead of them, smile slowly forming on her lips all the while feeling her hands started getting sweats inside the gloves she's wearing.

"I was searching for you earlier, I thought you didn't come. " she spoke, also surprised how nonchalant she sounds because deep inside, she wanted to scream.

Jungwon hummed, averting his gaze from the lady next to him and stared ahead of them instead.

"I expected that. "

"Expect what? " she asked, pretending to be oblivious.

"You, searching me. "

Blood immediately rushes in Jiyeon's cheeks as she felt hot all of the sudden. Probably because of what Jungwon said.

"This is not the first time too, right? " the latter added. "You said it yourself before. "

Jiyeon bit her lips, feeling embarrassed from what the man just said. Though she nodded her head because it's true, what the man was saying is true.

And so what?

She hummed, too shy and embarrassed to talk.

Jungwon faced her. "Tell me why, lady Min. Why were you always looking for me, why did you follow me that day. " he asked, pertaining to that day where they almost got in trouble. Or more like her getting in trouble if he wasn't there that day.

"Tell me why did you want to see me. " he added.

Now, Jiyeon felt like in a hot seat. She was not ready for the man's questions. Though she inhaled deeply then look at him, smiling.

"It's because... " she paused, not knowing how to word it. And it shows when she suddenly point her finger at the moon above them.

Jungwon followed her hand and looked at the moon.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't? " she says.

The other's brow furrowed in confusion. He gave her a bewildered look.

"The moon has always been beautiful, lady Min. "

Oh... Wait..

Jiyeon wanted to smack her head when realization hits her. Right, that sentence does not mean anything other than what it literally mean in this era.

"Yeah haha. " she says, laughing awkwardly.

"Don't change the topic, lady Min. "

Jiyeon sighed, not having any idea how to word it. So she just chose to be honest and straight forward.

"It's because I admire you. " she whispered, audible enough for Jungwon. "For a very long time now, that's why. "

Jiyeon thought the man would not believe her or he would have ask her follow up questions. But what she did not expect was the man nodding his head, buying her answer.

Silence followed after that. Neither of them talked. The only thing you'll here is the melody coming from the inside. Though that silence was soon broken by Jungwon.

"I dreamed of you. "

Jiyeon looked at him, confused. "Huh? "

"These past few nights, you're always in my dreams. " He looked at her. "You're there, standing in front of me. "

Now, that is something, something Jiyeon never seen coming.

Jungwon's forehead creased as he tries to remember his dream, the same dream he has been dreaming these past few nights.

"You're dressed differently. Your hair is different. You're different but I'm certain it's you. "

A smile formed in Jiyeon's lips, feeling butterflies in her stomach. "Was that mean you've been thinking of me too? "

The man looked at her then chuckled. He did not answer. He didn't deny nor confirmed it. And that makes Jiyeon's smile grew even more.

Jungwon faced her then took a step forward. He glanced inside the hall then to the lady in front of him. He lifted his hand.

"May I have this dance, lady Min? "

Jiyeon held her breath after hearing those words coming from the other's lips. Her heart skipping a beat and suddenly, she didn't know what to do nor what to think.

But despite of that, she found herself nodding, accepting Jungwon's hand who guided her in the middle of the balcony. And as if on cue, the music changed and a romantic melody was played.

And thankfully for Jiyeon, she learned how to dance because it would be a big embarrassment for her if she didn't know how to.

At least those lessons she learned really helped her in a way she wants.

Jiyeon and Jungwon danced, they swayed their body side to side and it is the most romantic thing for Jiyeon.

Dancing under the night sky with the man she admires, being the stars and the moon witnessing this wonderful and beautiful moment is beyond perfection for her.

Jiyeon's eyes widened when she accidentally stepped on Jungwon's feet. She immediately looked at him causing their eyes to meet.

She waited for a negative reaction from the man but what she receives is a sweet smile.

Why is he full of surprises tonight?

She thought, feeling those familiar butterflies in her stomach. A smile crept on her lips.

Yang Jungwon, you're indeed such a gentleman. I'm glad the universe let me have you...

I'm glad it's you whom I'll end up with.

She thought, not really aware of what the future holds for the both of them.

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