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"They should be here though. "

Jungwon heard Sunoo spoke beside him, eyes roaming around the building in front of them.

"Maybe they meant tomorrow, not today. " Jungwon replied, burying his hands deep inside of his pockets.

Today, Sunoo dragged him to the Cotton Mill which owned by the Min, saying that their friends will have a day off starting this afternoon until tomorrow.

And now they are here in front of the building, waiting for his other two friends.

Heeseung and Sunghoon.

It's been so long since Jungwon last saw those two as they are always busy with their jobs, to the point they barely have time with their selves. And now, maybe this is their first day off this year and that means this will be the first time they will get together this year.

Too bad, Jake has something to do so he could not come with them. Though he promised he will take a leave tomorrow so they can hang out again just like before.

"Oh there they are! " his friend exclaimed with a wide smile plastered on his lips.

Jungwon followed Sunoo's gaze and he's right as he saw their two other friends, walking towards their direction with a wide smile in their lips, mirroring Sunoo's.

Jungwon broke into a smile as he waved his hand to them.

"Sunoo! Won, ah it's been a while! " Heeseung spoke, giving his friend a hug.

"What do you mean a while? It's been so long! " Said Sunoo making all of them chuckle.

After a few chitchat, four of them decided to leave the place. With Jungwon and Heeseung in front while the other two are behind them.

Sunghoon, Sunoo's cousin and their friend was a former worker at the Min family. Though because of his intelligence and skills, he was offered to work in the factory instead of being a worker in their house.

Heeseung on the other hand was working at coffeehouse they always hangout but because of the lower salary, the man decided to apply at the factory. He was rejected a lot of times but because of Sunghoon, he was finally accepted after few attempts.

"Ah, I missed that place. " Heeseung stated once they are near at the coffeehouse.

Jungwon chuckled. "We're always here though, just like before. "

"Glad to know that. Mister Kim must be delighted that you're still going in that place. " Heeseung glanced at his friend then winked. "Especially that his daughter has an eye to you. "

Jungwon rolled his eyes. "For the love of Christ, I'm not interested. "

The other raised his brow. "As expected from you, when did you have an interest with someone anyway. "

Hearing what Heeseung said, Jungwon could not help but to think of someone in his head. He smiled causing the other to look at him with wide eyes.

"Wait, you are?! "

Jungwon did not answer. Instead, he focused his gaze ahead of them and to the coffeehouse. His brows immediately furrowed upon noticing the commotion happening inside.

"What's happening? " Sunghoon asked, also noticing the scene as they are now in front of the door.

Jungwon shrugged his shoulder then pushed the door of the coffeehouse open, the scene immediately greeted his line of sight.

It was a girl being yanked by a familiar man.

Jungwon's eyes widened as a loud gasps was heard inside the room when the said man hit the girl so hard.

"My lady! "

Now, that voice is somewhat familiar. Jungwon watched the familiar figure go to the girl on the floor, and right there, he realized who it was.

Who they are.

Jungwon didn't know what happened next. As soon as he realized who the girl was, his own body moved on its own, lashing to the man who hit her then punched him across the face.


So hard that it send the man on the floor with broken nose, barely conscious.

"Jungwon! "

Jungwon did not hear anything. His mind was clouded with the scene he witnessed earlier, playing in his head nonstop.

And it's making him mad. Very mad. In fact, he's livid. And that makes him want to beat the man to death.

How dare he lay his hand against her!

He hovers over the man and was about to land his fist once again but before he could even do so, his body was yanked away.

"Jungwon, look at me! It's alright. "

"He hit her! " he fired back, trying to let go from his friend.

"But we need to take her to a physician, Hee and I can take care of them. "

Jungwon's gaze automatically went to Jiyeon's unconscious form. His burning eyes immediately softened upon seeing her unconscious figure.

"Now go with Sunghoon and take her to a physician. "

Jungwon did not need to be told twice as he immediately scurried to Jiyeon, carrying him with his arm then followed Sunghoon towards the door, with Jiyeon's servant following them, silently crying.

Jungwon's plan was to take the girl in his arm to her house but after Sunghoon talked to him, about the possibile events if the Min family finds out what happened, Jungwon immediately changed his plan.

And thank goodness Sunghoon knows someone who can examine Jiyeon because he is seconds away from losing his mind.

He looked at the girl in his arms, eyes softening upon seeing the bruised on her cheek.

And once again, Jungwon wanted to go back in that certain coffeehouse and beat the hell out of that man. But he didn't because it would be a waste of time as Jiyeon needs him more as of the moment.

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