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"Have a wonderful night, my lady. Sleep tight. "

Was the last thing Chaeha said before carefully closing the door of Jiyeon's room, living the latter alone inside.

And just like last night, Jiyeon waited for a couple of hours in her room, waiting for everyone to be in their deep slumber before executing her plan once again.

A smile crept her lips, remembering last night's events.

Despite what Jungwon told her last night, despite his nonstop reminders to her to not go out alone in the middle of the night, Jiyeon is persistent. Especially now that she's fully aware that her feelings is being reciprocated.

So without any doubt or second thought, she will go to his place. And no one, absolutely nothing can change her mind.

Jiyeon's smiles widened as she felt those familiar butterflies in her stomach once again. She can't believe it. She couldn't believe it that the Yang Jungwon who is so famous in the future or in the present time, is finally having feelings to her.

The man she admire the most, from being a Minjoo in the present time and Jiyeon in this era, is finally having feelings towards her.

Jiyeon's smile widened with the thought. Her eyes glistening, almost sparkling as her heart is having its own rhythm and dancing to it.

It's a wonderful feeling. And she doesn't want these feelings to go away, to come to its end.

That's why still being giddy inside and a smile still on her lips, Jiyeon rises to her feet, doing the same exact thing she did with her bed last night before she took her departure. Carefully and so so quietly.

Unlike last night, Jiyeon walked down the pavement quickly this time, afraid that what Jungwon had been telling her about how these streets are more dangerous at nights, is true. That's why her gaze are only focused ahead of her and not to her surroundings. Though she is fully aware of the things around her and on top of that, she's alerted.

After a few minutes, almost an hour, Jiyeon is now standing by the door of Jungwon's tenement.

She didn't know whether to knock or just call his name from the outside. It is disrespectful if she will come inside without notice or a head's up from the other that's why she didn't include that option.

She also lost track of time that she is not sure if the other is still awake or on his slumber. Though judging from how quiet the place is, Jungwon might have been sleeping already.

Should I go home?

Jiyeon immediately shook her head at the thought. She raises her hand then knock softly on the door before she could even chicken out.

She knocked once again when there was no response and waited for a couple of minutes.

Jiyeon will about to knock for the third time but before her fist could even touch the wooden door, it suddenly opened by the man that has been occupying her mind.

"Hi! " she greeted, waving her hand as a wide smile plastered on her lips.

Instead of a reply or a smile, what Jiyeon received was a serious look as the man leaned on the doorframe while looking at her.

She cleared her throat, suddenly feeling small under his gaze.

"What did I tell you, lady Min?"

Jiyeon didn't answer. Instead, she lowered her head and stared on the ground. She's afraid to see the disappointment in his face.

"Look at me and tell me what I told you last night, lady Min. "

She heard him spoke and being an obedient as she is, she looked at the man instinctively. Though she did not answer. She only rocked her body, swaying side by side as she doesn't know how to deal with the amount of overflowing feelings she has while looking at those wonderful yet tired eyes.


Guilt immediately invade Jiyeon's inside.

Did she disturb his rest? Of course, that is no doubt. Knowing that the man has a job on daylight, he probably only have night to rest his body.

But instead of resting, look what he is doing. He is attending Jiyeon's childish acts.

And that alone is making her guilty. But what can she do? She misses him and she is so full of her thoughts that she forgot that they are somewhat different.

Jungwon has a job to survive living while she, she is the princess of the Min family. She does nothing while he does everything.

Jiyeon pouted, disappointed at herself. "I'm sorry. " she whispered, close to inaudible but Jungwon still caught it, given by the fact that they are the only ones that is awake in the area.

Jiyeon pointed the inside of the other's place. "You're probably tired, go inside and rest. "

"I am tired. "

Jungwon's answer didn't lessen the guilt Jiyeon is feeling at the moment. Instead, it added to it more.

She hummed and nodded. "That's why you should go inside and rest now, I'll also take my leave. "

The other stared at her for a moment and Jiyeon could not read what the man is thinking. But still, she gave him a reassuring smile.

Jungwon sighed before taking a step back inside his tenement then closed the door, living Jiyeon outside.

Despite the fact that Jiyeon was the one who told him to go inside and rest, no matter how she tell to herself that the action was nothing and that it is good that the man listened to her, deep down, she knew she was hurt by the other's action.

But still, she think positively and convinced herself that it's fine.

So with that, she turned her back against the place and started walking her way back towards the familiar street.

Though before she could even took her fourth step, the sound of the door opening stopped her. She looked back and saw Jungwon with different coat, walking towards her.

"Where are you going? " she asked, confused.

Jungwon glanced at her. "To where you're going. " he answered without thinking. And that left the woman dumbfounded.

"Huh? But aren't you going to rest? You're tired. "

The man hummed. "I can't rest knowing you're out here alone, lady Min. "

"But I'm fine. I came here by myself, I can go back by myself. You shouldn't think of me. What matter now is you to have a rest. Even just for a little bit. "

Just looking at the other, Jiyeon can immediately tell how tired the man is. If he looks tired when she saw him by the door earlier, well, now he looks more tired as it os very noticeable since they are standing under the post.

"I'm fine, your safety is what matter the most. "

Jiyeon tried to tell the other to just rest but the man was persistent. That's why she let him accompany her to her house.

The walk was silent at first. The only thing you will hear was their faint steps and the sound of the insects from the posts they were passing by.

"Aside from wanting to see me, why did you do it again? " Jungwon asked, breaking the silence.

Well, it's always the girl's answer whenever he asks her something so he assumed 'wanting to see him' is one of the reasons too why she walked out alone again in the middle of the night.

Jiyeon on the other hand could not help but to be a bit embarrassed from what the other said. He's true though, one of the reason why she went to his place was because she wanted to see him.

She always want to see him.

Jiyeon looked at the man walking next to her. "I missed you. "

Despite that it is night and it is a bit dark as the posts are the only thing that's lighting up the streets, Jiyeon still saw how Jungwon's ears turned into a shade of red. She chuckled when the other didn't answer.

And with that, Jiyeon did a very daring move. She lessened the distance between them and bravely slipped her hand to his, intertwining their fingers.

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