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Today is the first day Jungwon would work to the farm and so Jiyeon was left in the house alone.

When the latter woke up in the morning, the man already left the house and so she did not had the chance to greet him a good morning and see him. Although Jiyeon was a bit upset that she woke up late and missed the chance to see him leave, she's still greatful because the thought of Jungwon coming home later, back in her arms excites her.

She felt like they are already a married couple who's living in their own.

Well, they are already living in their own. They started standing on their own feet and live independently the moment they run away together. Far from the city and far from her family.

The only thing that's missing to them is marriage. But Jiyeon didn't care as long as the man stays by her side, as long as they are happy together, that is what all matters.

That's the only thing she cares of.

A sigh of boredom left Jiyeon's lips. In circumstances like this, if boredom strikes her before, Chaeha was always there to talk to her to keep her immersed into something. But now she's alone, Chaeha wasn't with her and that makes Jiyeon miss the other.

But she could not back out now, could she? Besides, if she will have to choose again, she will still choose to do it again. To run away with Jungwon, the love of her life.

A smile formed on Jiyeon's lips upon remembering what happened last night. The way Jungwon asked her to go outside and watch the stars above, the way they recreated the dance they did at the ball under the night sky...

It was romantic despite the absence of music. It was more romantic and perfect than that night. It was special.

They are the only one there, dancing under the night sky with the moon and stars witnessing that special moment. With their heart beating in the same rhythm, creating their own music as they dance freely, knowing that no one was there to judge them.

No one was there to stop them and set them apart.

Jiyeon pursed her lips, rising to her feet and walked towards the window in the kitchen. The sight of the beautiful scenery of nature immediately greeted her sight, making her smile wider.

It's refreshing and calming.

She stayed there for more than a minute before deciding to go out the house to have a wider view of the nature. She smiled, seeing the beautiful mountains covered with different colors of trees.

"Hi! "

Jiyeon immediately turned her head to the side to look at the owner of the voice. Her gaze immediately met a girl who she assumed has the same age as hers, dressing so simple. Jiyeon's eyes landed on the empty basket she's holding.

"Hello? " she greeted back hesitantly.

The girl smiled, clutching the basket with her both hand as she walked closer to Jiyeon.

"You're the girl Jungwon brought here, right? "

Confused, she still nodded. "I am, why? "

Just the mere mention of the man's name from the other, and the fact that Jiyeon noticed how girls in the village look at Jungwon, Jiyeon couldn't help but to be annoyed. Though she did not show it to the other since the girl is giving her an innocent and pure aura... Like how Chaeha does.

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