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Jiyeon and Jungwon spent a few hours on top of the mountain, with them enjoying each other's company and the view in front of them.

They would share random stories to each other, laugh together and just enjoy each other's presence. Jiyeon would play the instrument to make the environment more calming and peaceful.

"What do you think of the future? " Jiyeon soon asked as her eyes never leave the view ahead of them. Her back was being pressed against Jungwon, almost leaning to him as the man was hugging her from behind.

"Our future. " she added, her hands started caressing, playing with the other's.

No matter how Jiyeon tries to forget it, to bury it at the back of her mind and to never think of it again, deep down, she's afraid.

She is afraid of so many things that could possibly happen... To them.

The fear of being found by her family, the fear of Jungwon getting tired of her, the fear of encountering unwanted things that are inevitable...

Jiyeon knows their future is uncertain. And perhaps, Jungwon is aware of that too. Perhaps both of them knew that and yet they are still trying to believe that everything will work out. That everything will be alright as long as they have each other.

"Are you worried, lady Min? " Jungwon tightened his hold to the other. "Are you worried of what the future holds? "

Instead of answering, Jiyeon asked the other. "Are you? "

"Worrying, " the ravenette paused, eyes traveling from the scenery in front of them and to her dark locks. "Is inevitable. And it would be a lie if I said I don't. "

So I'm not alone...

Jiyeon thought, nodding her head. "I do too. " she whispered, barely audible. She shifted on her position as she looked up on him. "But everything's going to be alright, right? "

She asked for an assurance in which Jungwon is not sure too.

The future..... Is unpredictable. No one knows what will happen, and they are both aware of that.

But Jiyeon still seek for an assurance, and so Jungwon nodded despite being hesitant of it too. Despite being unsure of it too.

"Everything will be alright. "

And so Jiyeon smiled, going back to her previous position and leaned on the man all the while closing her eyes, enjoying the moment.

Their moment.

A couple of hours have passed, Jiyeon and Jungwon decided to head back down the hill. And just like earlier, Jiyeon carried the instrument whilst Jungwon carried the basket.

It took a few minutes, almost an hour before they arrived down the mountain, near the village.

Jungwon glanced at the other, checking if his lover is alright. But seeing the girl smiling, walking whilst swaying her body, hair dancing with the wind, Jungwon could not help but to smile.

"Are we close? " the latter joked, causing Jiyeon to look at him with confusing eyes which soon replaced with a teasing one as she smiled, eyes forming into crescent.

"No, we're still far. " she replied, getting with the flow of his joke.

He chuckled, shaking his head then set his eyes ahead of them. His brows instantly furrowed upon noticing people scattered around the village.

Unfamiliar people.

And it seems like Jiyeon noticed it too as she squinted her eyes, examining the crowd.

"What's happening? " she asked as they get closer. "Is there an event happening today? " she questioned, glancing at the man walking next to her.

Jungwon on the other hand, is still clueless. "I don't think there is. " he answered.

Once they're close enough to see the faces of the people dressed in somewhat a bit formal, something a villager wouldn't dress.

Something living in the city would.

Jungwon immediately stopped on his tracks, his other hand instinctively reaching for the other causing Jiyeon to also stop walking.

The latter looked at him, confused.

Jungwon shook his head, fear slowly consuming him when his gaze landed on a certain two men who just went out of their house. Eyes now looking at them.

Jungsoo and Joonhyuk, Jiyeon's father and brother.

"Lady Min... " Jungwon glanced at Jiyeon. "Run." He whispered.

Before Jiyeon could even process what is happening, she felt the other dragged her away from the direction of their house. And there she heard a familiar voice, calling her name.

"Min Jiyeon! "

And so she ran. She ran as if her life is life depending on it.... Because it does. She glanced at Jungwon who is also running next to her.

How ironic, she was just thinking of the possibility of this earlier. And now, it's happening.

They were just thinking of their future, and now it's unfolding. Right before them...

This is her fear, this is their fear.... And now it's happening. It's unfolding.

They were found.

A gunshot was heard and the next thing Jiyeon knew was Jungwon, stumbling and falling on the ground. And so is she.

What happened?

She's not hurt. She doesn't feel any pain, she's alright. But Jungwon...

Jiyeon immediately went to Jungwon who's hissing in pain, knees bleeding. He looked up at her. "Lady Min, keep going! "

Despite the pain coming from his knees, despite the bullet that is inside his flesh, Jungwon stood up and began sprinting, hands gripping Jiyeon's.

"J-jungwon, you're in pain! "

"I'm not, lady Min. I'm not, it's nothing. " He lied just to assure her. He lied just for them to get away from the place, to escape.

But as if luck isn't on their side, numbers of men from behind, blocked their way. And the next thing Jiyeon knew was her, being taken away from Jungwon who's surrounded by those men. By her father.

She tried to get away from the people who are holding her, caging her with their arms. She tried to escape from them and go to the man who is now are getting beaten by her father.

But she couldn't.

No matter how she tries, she couldn't.

And the next thing she knew was her being quite dizzy, eyes blurry as she inhaled a scent that made her slowly unconscious.

"Take her to the carriage! "

And that was the last thing she heard before she totally lost her consciousness.

1865 ; jungwonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें