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No matter how, the great elders monks of the Vientiane Sect have different thoughts on the clouds at this moment.

Just talking about Lin Qingya, listening to his little junior sister bragging about his own maintenance and bragging, even if being touted like this in public will make people look up, but he doesn't feel ashamed at all.

On the contrary, I still feel a softness in my heart.

He looked at the little guy who seriously thought he was okay, and tried to support him unconditionally at this moment.

Of course, there are also real teacher who have changed their attitude towards him. 

Since they all agree with him, obviously, Lin Qingya is not ready to let them down. 

Perhaps in the past he was not interested in taking on heavy responsibilities, and indifferently wanted to be alone.

But now, he wants to take on more.

He walked out from the side of Immortal Monarch Guangling, standing on the cloud, with an elegant figure, his blue clothes flying over, and a slight salute to the elders of the sect.

Calm and graceful, as graceful as an immortal.

Truly an excellent young man.

The elders present responded slightly no matter what they were thinking.

The fox cub stood behind her second senior brother and scratches her head. For some reason, when she saw the scene in front of her, her eyes were sore and she felt extremely happy.

She didn't know how to express her mood, which a cub  fox didn't know how to express.

But, just... She held her tail and said blankly to the smiling Qing Jun, 

"Second Senior Brother, I am happy."

Her fluffy fox ears trembled twice.

Lin Qingya couldn't help laughing, her heart was soft, he leaned over and hugged this little guy who was not so smart... not so complicated, but her heart was pure and pure, he shook, and said softly, "I understand."

He bowed his head slightly. 

The fox cub's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly sent her forehead to the forehead of his second senior brother.

Stick it. 

She posted it to the second senior brother, covering her mouth with joy, wagging her tail and laughing.

The clouds were filled with the snickering laughter of a fox cub.

Lin Qingya smiled indulgently.

Guangling Xianjun secretly pouted.

"Qingya, come and see the dispositions of these disciples." 

The disciples below had already entered the third round as they spoke.

The third round is a simple environment, simply testing what choices some disciples will make in the environment, testing their xinxing and character.

Those who can reach the third round of testing are basically inner disciples once they enter the sect.

If Lin Qingya really becomes the head of the Vientiane Sect in the future, he must establish his prestige among his inner disciples, and he must also understand the situation of these disciples.

ZhangJiao ZhengRen asked Lin Qingya to stand with him and watch the disciples below in the illusion from a water mirror above the clouds.

Lin Qingya didn't put down his little junior sister, and went to see the water mirror with her in his arms. When he saw the actions of these young monks with superior qualifications who had gone through layers of screening,

Zhizhi wasn't very interested in it. A small yawn, sleepy.

Lin Qingya let her lie on his shoulders and fell asleep.

 a cub.

Just need more sleep, in order to grow fat, in order to grow well.


Just as Lin Qingya watched how the young monks struggled in the illusion and put a soft cloak on Zhizhi.   saw a sudden aura coming from the mountain gate, falling on the clouds, The figure of a sect disciple appeared.

The disciple bowed respectfully to the headmaster, and then said, 

"A young cultivator came from outside the mountain gate, saying that he came to worship the mountain gate. It's just..." He said embarrassedly, 

"This person's cultivation level is not very big, and it doesn't look like much like here to be a disciple."

This sect disciple obviously couldn't make a decision, so he came to find the headmaster to make a decision. The headmaster asked with doubts, 

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