Chapter 1 - Family

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In troubled
families, abuse and
neglect are
permitted; it's the
talking about them
that is forbidden.
-Marcia Sirota

I don't like my family

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I don't like my family.

I don't hate them, even though they give me every reason to, I just don't like them.

In all my 17 years of life and living with them, my opinions mean shit to them. They never consider what I say or even think about how a decision they make will affect me.

My sister, Judith, on the other hand, gets whatever she wants, whenever she wants. We're twins for crying out loud. Or that's what I've been told.

Although no one will even think that we are actually twins from the same mother. She's very blond and very pretty with blue eyes and a very skinny and fit body. She's 5'5 making her the cute and hot type. Everyone loves her.

I on the hand, I'm a redhead. I got it from my grandmother which is the only proof I have that I'm actually part of this family. If not for the fact that I look a lot like my grandmother, I would think I must've been adopted or mistaken at the hospital. I'm taller than my sister and a little chubby. I'm 5'7 with green eyes and freckles scattered across my nose and cheeks.

The only similarity my sister and I have is our hair length. We both have very long hair. Hers reaches her lower back and mine, my butt. Mine's longer because I'm tall but you get the point.

I don't think I look bad. My sister says I'm ugly and no one is attracted to redheads but I know for a fact that she's lying. It's because I now look better than her. It's what I tell myself to feel better. But again my body is just a bit curvier than hers because I actually have meat in certain areas like my bum. She doesn't.

My parents and older brother, Jason adore her either way. That's why when they decided to move to another city, they didn't see fit to tell me.

"Start packing, we're moving to another city" my mother Karen, had graciously just told as if it wasn't a big deal.

I had to leave my high school in the middle of the term. I didn't have any friends but I was okay with living here. It was peaceful in school. I wasn't bullied even if my sister initiated it with other kids but it didn't last.

Now we're in the car two days after, on our way to the airport.

"I've arranged for your school, you'll continue the term there" my dad Raymond, announces and Judith chirped and I just roll my eyes.

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