𝓙ust Friends.

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    𝓖rabbing my hand, Y/N starts to drag me into the crowd and rides.

Feeling my face heat up just a little bit, I look down at our connected hands.

We're both actually holding hands....!

'Am I dreaming' I think to myself, thinking that this wasn't real. But it was. This was really happening.

Smiling gently, I look back up.

Lining up to get some food, I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

Looking at Bruce, I see that he was paying attention to something. Or, maybe even someone.

Looking at the direction he was looking at, I almost choke from air.

Y/N was with Billy! The paperboy!

"Isn't that Y/N? Who's that boy with her?" Bruce asks. Slightly frowning, for some apparent reason.

"That's....that's Y/N's crush." I blurt out.

Bruce look's at me, surprised.

"She had a crush??" I nod.

"Ya, I'm pretty sure for a while now. It's pretty obvious that she's been having feelings for someone." I explain, shrugging slightly.

"Ah....I see...."

After a while of going on multiple rides, Billy and I were now just walking around!

Looking to the side, my eyes fill with shine! Seeing a F/A stuffed animal hanging, from one of the games! It looked so cute.

"Look at that stuffed animal! It looks cute, doesn't it?" I ask, looking at Billy.

"Ya! It look's cute! You want it?" Billy questions, looking at me. I nod.

"Then I'll win it for you." Billy say's. With a tint of determination in his voice.

Gasping, I look at Billy walk up to the worker of the game.

The game was that you were given a ball, and you have to knock down each bottle!

"Here you go." Handing the man his ticket, the worker gives me three ball's.

Raising the ball, Billy throw's it. Perfectly hitting the first bottle. Then the second, then the third.

"You won! Here's your prize. A F/A!" The worker says, handing Billy the stuffed animal.

"Thank you, sir." Billy thanks, before walking up to me.

"Here you go, Miss. For you." Still in complete shock, I slowly grab the stuffed animals from Billy's hands.

"Thank....you...." I manage to say.


Billy and I were sitting down on a bench, having something quick to eat and drink.

"𝓜𝓘𝓡𝓐𝓒𝓛𝓔 𝓒𝓗𝓘𝓛𝓓" TBP X Reader.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu