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𝓟acking my stuff up in my backpack for School, both Finney and Gwen enter the living room.

Zipping up my backpack, I look at the two with a soft smile.

"Hey, you two! You two ready? Robin should almost be here by now." I say, throwing my backpack over my shoulder.

"Yup! We're ready." Nodding, I hear the doorbell ring.

"Robins here! Let's get going," Oprning the door, I greet Robin. Gwen and Finn doing the same.

All four of us started walking to School together.

"So, anything new that's been happening?" Robin ask's, putting both of his hands behind his neck.

"Yaa, Y/N's been hanging out with her little guy friend a lot lately-"

"HEY!" Robin starts bursting into laughter, almost loosing his balance.

"I'll tell Robin about your little diary and what you be writing in it, Finn!" I threat, glaring at him.

Immediately, Finn shuts his mouth. Causing me to look away and grin.


I was now in class with Finn, tapping my pencil on the table repeatedly, nonstop.

Looking at me, Finney raises his brow in confusion and worry.

"You alright? You seem so....shaky and nervous." Finn say's, putting his pencil down.

"Hm? Oh, ya. I'm alright, don't worry. I'm just going to the station later to tell them some clues that I figured out, but I'm just worried that they won't take me seriously." I say, looking down.

"You're still into that case? How long have those kids been missing for? Most likely a while, now. They're probably gone at this point, Y/N...." Immediately I look at Finney with a slight glare.

"Sorry! Sorry! That was insensitive. I shouldn't have said that. You do what you think is right." Finn say's. Nodding, I look away.

The bell then rings. The both of us packing up our work and walking out of class together.

Making it outside, I spot both Robin and Gwen waiting for us.

Smiling, I walk up to the two.

"Hey guy's! You three wanna come over at my place, and hang out for a bit?" Robin suggests, smiling.

"Ya, for sure! But I have to go somewhere real quick, first. I'll meet you three there." I say, getting ready to walk away.

"Sounds like a plan. Be safe!"


Now on my own walking through the empty street, I spot that weir van once again! There it was.

This time, there was a man! He was putting....something, in the back of his van.

Turning around and noticing me, the man gives me a big wave.

"𝓜𝓘𝓡𝓐𝓒𝓛𝓔 𝓒𝓗𝓘𝓛𝓓" TBP X Reader.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon