𝓕irst Throw.

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{ 005. }


𝓣oday, I woke up much earlier than usual. Waking up before my alarm went off. Deciding to start off my day early, today and get ready.

Getting out of bed, I walk up to my closet and pick t and outfit for today.

Picking out my outfit, I change.

Picking out my outfit, I change

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(Outfit 1 or 2?)

Getting my hair done, I walk downstairs to get some breakfast. Dad, of course watching some TV. Ignoring his presence, I do what I need to do.


Arriving to School with my dad and I, we park. Looking away, I grab my stuff and leave. Not once looking back.

Walking towards the Campus, I immediately catch a glimpse of both Robin and Finney, including Gwen!

Smiling, I run up to the three. Giving them a wave. Noticing me, Gwen runs up to me to give me a big hug.

Smiling, I hug back. Laying my head on Gwen's, patting her back gently.

"Well, now that you're here, we should get going to class." Finn say's, smiling.

Agreeing, we all walk inside. Gwen, running to her area of the School.

"Hey, we should hang out today at my place! I really need help with this math homework that I was assigned," Robin say's, walking beside me.

"Ooh, ya, sure! I'm down to help out," I reply, with a closed-eyed smile.


It was now Lunchtime! Both Robin and I walking to the Cafeteria, together.

Arriving, we sit down in our usual spot. Finney and Gwen, already sitting down and eating.

Waving hello to each other, we start eating. Finn and Robin talking to each other.

While eating, I suddenly felt this anxious feeling in my stomach. Causing me to start feeling sick.

Finney notices my odd behavior, looking at me with a concerned look.

"Hey, you alright Y/N?" Robin looks at me, confused.

Nodding, I say

"Ya...I just suddenly feel sick in my stomach. Feeling like something's wrong," I explain, not even knowing what I'm talking about.

"It's probably all just in your head. I'm sure everything's alright," Finney reassures, smiling softly.

I smile, nodding. Even though his words didn't really comfort me, at all.

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