𝓞ther Y/N?

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    𝓕eeling my head start to hurt, I hiss, slowly feeling myself gain consciousness again.

Trying to open my eyes, I immediately shut them when they started to sting badly. Not being able to open them, at the moment.

Trying once more, I look around, just for everything to be a blur. Not being able to identify where I was, or what was going on.

What happened, again....

....Was walking home....saw the black van....strange man asked for my help....it was the Grabber....I ran....he got me. The Grabber got me....

I got abducted....!

Feeling myself start to panic, I feel a pair of hands carry me. I'm being carried. I was being taken somewhere.

All of a sudden, it got cold. My body is starting to freeze and get chills. Where am I?

"Gosh....my f*cking arm. Should've snapped your neck the second you stabbed my f*cking arm...." I hear. The Grabber.

I feel myself get thrown. Now laying on something cold.

Grunting, I slowly get up. Waving my arm. Still not being able to see clearly.

Feeling a presence in front of me, I rub my eyes roughly. Wincing, my body slightly jumps.

It was the same guy! But, now he's wearing a creepy mask with a big smile and horns.

The Grabber was staring at the arm that I stabbed, before looking back at me.

"My arm is covered in blood. You see? Oh- well, it's not like you can't even see s*it anyways." The Grabber say's, waving his hand in front of my face.

I start breathing heavily, trying my hardest to not do anything that can get me in trouble.

"You're quite tense, aren't ya? No need to be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you anymore." 'I'm not scared. I'm just trying my hardest to not punch you straight in the face, right now.' I think to myself.

"Nothing bad is going to happen here. You have my word, Mary." 'Oh, so we're doing nicknames too now, you piece of crap.'

"Not much of a talker, are we? Most likely thirsty. Hey, you want a soda? Why don't I go get you a soda, then we can-" The Grabber stops talking, turning around to look at the door.

"Ringing....you hear a phone ringing?" Shaking my head no, I start to slowly dig my hand into my pocket.

"I'm gonna go see who it i- WHAT THE HELL?!" Taking out my perfume, I start spraying it through the Grabbers mask. Spraying into his eyes.

"S*IT! S*IT!!" The Grabber cusses, covering his eyes.

After a short while of whining and complaining, the Grabber look's at me, breathing heavily.

"𝓜𝓘𝓡𝓐𝓒𝓛𝓔 𝓒𝓗𝓘𝓛𝓓" TBP X Reader.Where stories live. Discover now