Chapter Eight

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Uncut version is in restricted chapters under works in my profile.


June 2006

"Jake this isn't fair, you're like 100 times stronger than me oowwwww"

I yelped as Jacob twisted my leg a little, for some crazy reason I'd agreed to wrestle with my shape shifting boyfriend and to be fair it was a pretty dumb idea.

"Oh come on babe, okay okay I'll let go"

He chuckled, now that was the wrong move. As soon as he loosened his grip on me I wrapped my arms and legs around his head and torso cheering triumphantly as I took him down.

"What the hell are you dweebs doing?"

We both froze at the sound of Leahs voice and quickly sat up, I could almost see a hint of a smile on her face though to anyone else she they'd think she looked downright sour faced.

"Sam sent me over to tell you that he's fine with you taking the night off patrol, though I don't know why the asshole couldn't just call you"

Leah sounded pissed as she spoke to Jacob meanwhile I could feel him huffing as he half buried his face in my chest

"Thanks Leah"

He mumbled under his breath which earned him a slap on the head

"Don't be so rude"

I scolded, that only made him whine and bury his face further into my chest. Leah rolled her eyes as she turned to leave my room

"Thanks Lee"

She paused when she heard me and gave me a small smile and a wave before heading out. Jacob stayed quiet for a minute before removing his face from my chest and sighing

"She's finally gone. You know that's why Sam sent her over here right, to get some peace and quiet from her constant bitchiness"

Now that earned him a second harder slap as I pushed him away

"Hey! That's my cousin you're talking about and it's not her fault she is the way she is. Ugh you boys are so stupid sometimes"

I tried squirming out of his arms but he held me tight refusing to let me get away

"Put yourself in her shoes for once. Her fiance, the guy she has loved for years, the one she thought she would spend the rest of her life with leaves her to pursue her cousin then she has to sit by and watch as they get together and everyone around her just accepts it and tells her to move on"

Jake cut in as I was ranting and tried to have his say

"It's not like he could help it, you know he imprinted"

I rolled my eyes at him and carried on

"Yeah I know that but back then she didnt, then one day she phases and everything gets dropped on her. She's the only female wolf in a pack of males, she has to hear Sam's thoughts about Emily everytime they're phased and she has to hear every horrible thought you guys have about her like seriously give her a break. I know being able to phase is a great gift but you guys don't stop to think what it's taken away from Leah"

I didn't realise I was crying until Jake wiped the tears from my cheeks

"I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to upset you. I guess I haven't really thought about what Leahs going through"

I knew he felt bad so I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist and buried my face in his neck

"It's okay Jake just please be nice"

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