Chapter Three

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January 2006

Why today of all days? The one day I decide to spend at first beach and they have to be here. Talking and laughing like they hadn't broken my heart.

"The gods must hate me"

I muttered under my breath as I got to my feet brushing the sand from my legs. As I did Jacob spotted me, he looked a little guilty but he gave me a small smile and waved. Was he being serious? Bella looked over and I could see the corner of her lips turn up into a smile but I just shook my head and walked away. It hurt when he broke up with me but seeing them together killed me.


Quil and Embry stopped by every now and then to hang out but sometimes seeing them just made me think of Jacob. I began hanging out with Leah more and more, both of us had a grudge against the men we once loved or still did

"Why are men such douchebags?"

I groaned as I leaned back against the fallen tree beside Leah, we were sitting near some cliffs in a spot we used to come to as kids.

"Because they think with their dicks and not their brains"

She snorted before taking a swig of the whiskey in her hand, we'd been passing it back and forth for the past hour. We weren't drinking slowly, just taking the occasional sip letting the amber liquid burn our throats but we were already three quarters of the way through the bottle and feeling tipsy.

"Amen to that"

I sighed, i was still hurting deeply over Jacob leaving me and to make things worse Bella was hanging around in La Push with him every day. The last I'd heard from Quil was that they were fixing a couple of motorbikes together, I had run into them a few times around town and each time both would try smile at me but they still looked guilty. I ignored them as best as I could but each and every time my heart would clench in my chest. I couldn't even deny the fact that I still loved him.

"You have got to be kidding me"

I turned to Leah as she growled, her attention focused on a group of guys at least 100 feet from us standing at the cliffs edge. When I saw who it was I understood her reaction, Sam Uley and his "gang" were cliff diving. Kims crush Jared and La Push Hothead Paul Lahote had begun hanging out with him. It was so strange, they had all cut their hair short and gotten matching tattoos like some kind of cult. Not only that I swear they were on steroids, well that was the rumour that was going around because they all seemed to bulk up overnight. Like muscles and six pack washboard abs.

"Hey isn't that Embry"

Leah asked as she stared over at them. I had to squint a little but sure enough there he was, Embry Call had joined Sams gang. We kept watching as Paul and Jared jumped one after another then something red caught the corner of my eye. When I looked up towards the road I spotted Jacob and Bella standing beside her truck watching they guys cliff dive.

"Come on Leah let's get out of her, there's too much ex douche bagginess around"

I huffed as I got to my feet. Leah had cackling hysterically as she stood up which happened to draw the attention of both Sams gang and Jake.

"Oh great and the douche bags have spotted us"

She groaned, Sam was just standing there staring while Jacob was getting back into Bellas pick up. I gulped down the rest of the whiskey before tossing the empty bottle into my backpack

"Let's go to my place, I'm sure I have another bottle of whiskey in my room"

February 2006

Breaking again (Jacob Black)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora