Chapter Two

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September 2005

"Jake get your ass off me, your killing me doofus"

I groaned as he dropped his whole body on top off mine, I was lying on my bed trying to study when he interrupted

"But your so comfortable babe"

He nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck, his long hair tickling my cheek. Things between us had gone back to normal ever since the day I had broken down in front of him. We had talked for a long time and got our relationship back on track. Bella hadn't really been brought up at so we were fine. It was her birthday a few days ago and Jacob had visited her to give her a gift but I wasn't worried at all.

"You are such a loser Black"

I laughed as I did my best to shake him off me

"I know you didn't just call your super hot, awesomely amazing boyfriend a loser did you Nerdy Natty Carter"

He chuckled as he began to tickle my sides. I was in hysterics as I screamed and shook trying to get him to stop

"Okay okay I give, you win"

I had managed to roll onto my back and Jacob was now hovering over me.

"You can't call me nerdy Natty anymore you ass"

I fake pouted which earned me a peck on the lips.

"I'm sorry babe but you are nerdy Natty, you're just my nerdy Natty"

I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was such a dork. We stayed like that until his cell phone ringing broke us from our make out session. Checking the caller id we saw that it was Charlie Swan.

"Hey Charlie, what's up"

I couldn't quite make out what Charlie was saying, he was talking so fast but i picked up the word Bella, Cullens and help. Okay something wasn't right, my suspicions were confirmed when Jakes face dropped and he quickly jumped off the bed and hung up.

"Bella's gone missing. The Cullens have left town and Charlie asked if we could help with the search, my dads at his place now"

Bella missing again, it felt a little like dejavu and with the Cullens skipping town as well it sounded shady

"How do we know she didn't run away with the Cullens?"

I asked Jake as I pulled on some boots and a jacket. I wasn't Bellas biggest fan but there was no way I was going to stay behind, I still wanted to help any way I could.

"That was my first thought but according to Charlie he's been in contact with them and she's not with them, Dr Cullen got a transfer to another hospital in Canada so they left yesterday. Bellas only been missing since this morning"

I simply nodded and followed him out to my pick up truck tossing him the keys as we went. The drive to The Swan residence in Forks was mostly quiet aside from the low hum of the radio. When we arrived there were a couple squad cars and a large handful of volunteers in the front yard and scattered in the woods, the beams of flashlights visible through the trees. We found Billy and my uncle Harry Clearwater with Charlie going over maps of the area, i guess it was more serious than we first thought.

"Dad, Charlie what can we do?"

Jacob asked but before Charlie could respond a loud voice boomed across the yard


We all looked up in time to see Sam Uley walking out of the trees with Bella in his arms. Sam was from the reservation, he used to date my cousin Leah Clearwater for years, they were like the perfect couple. They were even engaged until he met my other cousin Emily, all of a sudden he up and left Leah and began pursuing Em. He absolutely shattered Leah's heart and my whole family hated him for what he did. A few months later Em was attacked by a bear and Sam saved her by scaring the bear away. She eventually gave into his pursuits and now their engaged. Leah hates the both of them but the older members of our family kind of accepted it, according to them Leah and Sam weren't meant to be. Pretty shitty way to justify what he did to her I say.

"Thank you so much Sam"

Charlie rejoiced as Sam passed Bella over to him. It was only then I noticed Sam was shirtless, strange. He glanced over at Billy and Uncle Harry all three exchanging knowing glances before he turned to leave. As he did he paused and looked over at Jacob and I, more specifically Jacob who squeezed my hand tightly in his.

He was looking at Jake as if he wanted something from him, it was unsettling.

"Jake come on let's go see if Bellas okay"

I whispered as i tugged at his hand. It was enough to draw his attention away from Sam. An ambulance was just pulling up and Bella was being loaded into the back, she was unconscious.

"Charlie is she okay?"

Jake called as the Sheriff was climbing in after her.

"I don't know Jake, I'll give you a call in the morning and let you know how she is"

November 2005

"She barely eats, or sleeps. She just sits in that seat staring out the window. According to Charlie she's catatonic and depressed.  Something like that. It's because of him, Cullen"

Jake had just come from Bella's house. Ever since she was found in the woods, when the Cullens left town she's turned into a hermit. She refuses to speak to anyone and she does the bare minimum to survive. Charlie was worried about her but he didn't know what to do to help her.

"Hey maybe I could come with you next time you go see her. I could try talk to her"

I offered, he had been spending a lot of time over there and so far he couldn't get her to talk or do anything so maybe another girl might help.

"Sure, we could head over in the morning"


"Bella? How are you?"

I knelt down in front of the pale gaunt shell of a girl in front of me. As I placed my hand over one of hers she flinched slightly but didn't pull her hand away.

"It's going to be okay Bella"

Her eyes flickered over me but she didn't say anything instead turning her attention back to the window and pulling her thin blanket over her shoulders as if to shield herself from me. I guess I couldn't help

January 2006

"I barely see you anymore Jake, she hasn't responded to anyone including you in the last three months yet you still spend most of your time there. You blew me off on my birthday of all days to be with her"

This was becoming a regular thing for Jacob and I, arguing about Bella. After 4 months she was still catatonic and Jacob was growing more distant, spending more and more time with her. The last straw was when he cancelled our plans for my birthday because Bella "needed" him.


"Are you serious right now Jacob? Of all days you choose today to bail on me, on my birthday"

I was in tears as I screamed through the phone at Jake. He had just called to tell me he couldn't spend the day with me even though it was my 18th birthday.

"I'm sorry Nat, I need to be here. I was so close to getting her to talk to me I think I can get through to her today. She needs me"

I could feel my heart clenching in my chest as he spoke

"What about me Jacob? I need you"

The silence on the other end of the line gave me my answer so I hung up and broke down sobbing into my hands.

End flashback

"I'm sorry Nat, I don't think this is going to work anymore. Bella's finally getting back to being herself and she needs a real friend to be there for her"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, he was leaving me because of her

"I do love you Nat but I can't lie to you, I do have feelings for Bella and I have to take a chance"

Let me correct myself he was leaving me FOR her. I swear I could hear my heart breaking in my chest. I didn't bother replying instead hanging up and tossing the phone onto my bed. There were no tears, I was numb and angry.

"Screw you Jacob Black"

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