{Chapter 19}

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3rd Person POV:

For the two weeks following the family meeting, Lucifer continued to live at the Cullen house. The only problem now was that Edward and Alice were always throwing insults or glaring at Lucifer. The other members of the Cullen coven would have Lucifer's back against the two if they heard them, but they weren't around all the time meaning sometimes the evil witch's flying monkeys get away with it. Lucifer is still living in the Cullen house and has dinner with Charlie every Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday night for dinner at the diner.

Lucifer stayed after school on Friday to watch the school football game with his friends, Rosalie and the rest of the Cullen kids went home so that they could go hunt, or so he thought. Lucifer and his friends had a great time at the game, agreeing to go again next week. He said goodbye to his friends and jumped on to his bike, waving to his friend group one more time as he pulled out of the parking lot. What Lucifer didn't know was that Edward, Isabella, and Alice were in Edward's car and following him. The group of three followed Lucifer until it came upon a dark area of road and sped up. Edward sped up to the point that they were right on Lucifer's back tire. Lucifer sped up some more to try and get away from the car that was following him, but it didn't work. Edward sped up again and this time hit Lucifer's bike. The force of the hit caused Lucifer's bike to swerve, but Lucifer was able to get the bike back under control. Edward went to hit the bike again and this time succeeded with what he wanted.

Lucifer's bike swerved so bad that he couldn't fix it in time. The bike ended up getting laid out on its side and due to the speed he was going, the bike skidded down the road with Lucifer's leg stuck under it. Lucifer's pants and shirt were ripped due to the gravel and caused extreme road rash up and down his right side and even some on his face, but Edward didn't stop there. When the bike finally stopped and Lucifer used his arms to drag his leg out from under it, Edward hit the gas again full speed towards Lucifer. He managed to get partially out of the way, but Edward was driving fast enough to still be able to run over Lucifer's legs twice before speeding off. Lucifer was laying in the street bloody and broken for almost twenty minutes before another car came across him.

The man in the car called the police while the woman went up to Lucifer to ask him what happened. Lucifer told her it was his sister and her boyfriend. The entire police force of Forks was on scene within ten minutes with an ambulance right behind them. Lucifer had gone unconscious by the time police showed up. Charlie rode with him in the ambulance to the hospital while his officers talked to the couple who found Lucifer. Just as the ambulance pulls up into the hospital parking lot Charlie gets a call from one of the officers that questioned the couple at the accident. The officer told Charlie that Lucifer told the girl that it was Isabella and Edward who caused the accident. Charlie told them to search the town and put an APB out on both of them for their arrest before hanging up.

Carlisle was on duty and made aware that a victim of a serious accident was on the way. He didn't know that his new patient was in fact his daughter's boyfriend/mate, Lucifer, until the ambulance doors opened and the EMTs got the stretcher out. He saw Charlie climb out right after it and turned to him "What happened to him?!" Carlisle yelled out in shock as he ran beside the bed as they went through the hallways with Charlie right behind them. "He told the woman who found him that Isabella and Edward did it. We don't know exactly what happened though since no one saw it happen themselves and Lucifer was already unconscious when everyone arrived on the scene." Charlie informed Carlisle. "I'll do everything I can." Carlisle said before running into the trauma section that is off limits to everyone but doctors and nurses. As Carlisle went past the nurse station for the trauma section he told the nurse to call his wife to inform his family that Lucifer was hurt and in the hospital. The nurse was confused but still agreed and immediately called the wife of the handsome doctor.

As soon as the nurse told Esme what Carlislse wanted, Esme said thank you before hanging up and going to find Emmett, Jasper, and most important, Rosalie. Everyone was extremely worried about Lucifer but Rosalie lost it asking a million questions and destroying the living room before running vamp speed to Forks hospital through the woods. Esme, Emmett, and Jasper took a car to the hospital to make sure Rosalie doesn't do something bad or expose the family.

By the time the three vampires reached the hospital, Rosalie was already there, in the waiting room, with Charlie Swan. Emmett, Esme, and Jasper walked up to the pair. "Have there been any updates?" Esme asked, worried about the teen she sees as a son. "Nothing from inside yet. All we know is that they took him into surgery." Charlie said. "Oh, and the fact that before Lucifer went unconscious he told the people that found him that it was Edward and Isabella who did this!" Rosalie yelled out before storming down the hallway.

Rosalie's POV:

After pacing around the hospital for about thirty minutes. I finally took my phone out of my pocket and made the call I had been wanting to make since I was told about who caused the accident. "Hello young Rosalie. To what do I owe this call?" Came the voice over to the other side of the phone. "Edward, Isabella, and, most likely, Alice tried to kill Lucifer. Carlisle is doing his surgery now at the hospital." Rosalie said.

"We will be there by morning!"

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