{Chapter 22}

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3rd Person POV:

Lucifer has been on Life support for one week and Rosalie hasn't left his side once. Seeing Rosalie's loyalty meant a lot to Charlie but worried him about what would happen if Lucifer didn't make it. The Cullen family as well as all members of the Volturi understood the deeper meaning of Rosalie not leaving her mate's side, she could potentially lose her mate, but they were just as worried, actually more worried, about what would happen if this went bad. Lucifer's friends even stopped by a few times with cards, flowers, and sometimes even balloons but would have to leave after a little while to go back to their lives outside of the hospital like many other people in Forks, going on with their lives like nothings wrong.

It was the one week mark of Lucifer on life support that Carlisle told everyone that the hospital had made the decision that if Lucifer doesn't make any improvement in the next two weeks then they would have to end his life support. Rosalie ends up pulling Carlisle aside after everyone leaves Lucifer's hospital room. For the first time in her life Rosalie begged. She begged Carlisle that if the time comes where they have to pull the plug, that he turns Lucifer so she wouldn't have to go on without him. Carlisle, knowing how much Rosalie needs Lucifer in her life, said yes that he would turn Lucifer if the time came.

As time went on Rosalie continued to be by Rosalie's side. Esme and Carlisle constantly kept sneaking animal blood to Rosalie so she didn't go thirsty and didn't have to leave. Soon it was three days until they would have to end Lucifer's life support and everyone stayed at the hospital for those last days hoping that the fifteen year old that had changed all of their lives would wake up. Everybody worked together to try to keep Rosalie and Charlie's hopes high that something good would happen. It worked a little for the next two days but as soon as the sun rose on the final day for Lucifer to wake up those hopes went out the window.Since it could be Lucifer's final day the nurses moved Lucifer into a larger room so that as many people as possible could stay at his bedside.

Charlie's POV: (Yes Lucifer & Isabella's father)

It was the last day of Lucifer on life support and I'm worried. I'm worried about finding Edwin, Alice, and Bella. I'm worried about Lucifer, he only has hours left to wake up. My oldest child tried to kill my youngest child. No matter if Lucifer makes it or not Bella will be arrested and sent to jail. I can deal with that, she did wrong by breaking the law and needs to pay for it. But I don't think I'll make it if I lose Lucifer, I'll have no one anymore. I'm also still worried about Rosalie, actually more worried that I already was. She still hasn't left his side. Everytime I come to visit, she's here, and we have become close since this nightmare started. I've even gotten closer to the rest of the Cullen family and their extended family from Italy. It was a little crazy to me at first that they were so worried about Lucifer, but after Aro explained why it made me happy they were here. Aro explained that Lucifer was an amazing kid that was different from the people they usually met. Usually people would make rude comments about his, his brothers', and their children's red eyes and extremely pale skin but Lucifer never did. He apparently never asked or stared. He just treated them like he treats everyone else.

The rest of the Cullen family told me about their experiences with Lucifer. Carlisle talked about Lucifer being interested in his work, unlike his own children. Esme talked about how Lucifer helped her decorate their home, complemented her clothes, and that he couldn't get enough of her cooking. Emmett talked about them playing video games since no one else ever played with him.Jasper talked about how they talked about how Lucifer liked to learn about wars from jasper and would ask questions to make sure he understood everything that Jasper was talking about, making sure to absorb all the information. Aro loved how much he wanted to learn about Italy. Lucifer even asked if he could teach him to speak a little bit of Italian. Marcus loved talking about literature with him because he was always open to trying a new book. Caius and Lucifer bonded over art and painting. Even though Lucifer wasn't that good he appreciated great artwork when he saw it from the pictures Caius sent Rosalie for him to see. Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri talked about how he treated them just like they were his brothers and sister from the day that they met.

In return I told them about Lucifer as a little kid. The sensitive giant that everyone loved was always the light in every room he went into. I told them stories about him being obsessed with music from a very young age,even getting his baby play drum sets from the time he was one to the age of three when I got him his first real set. It was small with only three pieces, a chair, and a pair of sticks, but he absolutely loved it. I told them about him learning to play guitar at seven years old. The stories about Lucifer continued into him learning to surf, sing, skateboard, even gaining his love of books and traveling.

3rd Person POV:

Everyone in Lucifer's hospital room had tear stained faces by the time they finished telling stories about Lucifer. A nurse walked into the room when it had turned silent with everyone in their own heads. She whispered in Carlisle's ear, even though all of the vampires in the room could hear her unknowingly, and told him that it was almost time to pull the plug on Lucifer. Carlisle told everyone that they needed to get everything ready to pull the life support and that only two people were allowed in the room when they did it. Everyone left leaving only Charlie and Rosalie in the room. While the nurse was walking around double checking everything Carlisle was tasked with a tough job. He had to explain to Charlie and Rosalie that sometimes when life support is pulled that the patient usually breathes on their own for a few minutes before they die. He had to explain this so that Charlie and Rosalie don't give their hopes up when it happens. Carlisle made sure both understood what he was saying before it was time.

Carlisle and the nurse worked together to take the tube out and disconnect all the cords and monitors other than the heart monitor. Charlie and Rosalie each held one of Lucifer's hands as they waited for him to die. Minutes pass and something happens. Rosalie felt Lucifer's fingers twitch. "What the hell?!" Rosalie yelled out. "What?" Carlisle questioned. "His fingers moved!" Rosalie yelled, grabbing Lucifer's hand again. "Lucifer, if you can please move your hand again." Rosalie begged. "Rosalie that's not going to wo-" Carlisle tries to say but stops when he sees Lucifer's fingers move. Slowly over the following minutes Lucifer's fingers move more and even squeezes Charlie's hand. Then he started wiggling his toes occasionally. After ten minutes of them on edge, Lucifer's eyes start moving under his eyelids. Lucifer's eyes start to open a little but quickly close again as he lets out a groan due to the bright lights over his bed. Carlisle turned off the lights, letting the only light in the room be the small amount shining in through the window. That seems to help because Lucifer slowly starts to open his eyes again, succeeding this time, and started looking around.

"What happened?" Lucifer asked in a rough scratchy voice from not using it for three weeks. "You were in an accident on your motorcycle. You've been in a coma and on life support for three weeks." Carlisle told him. Lucifer just nodded his head and asked for something to drink. Rosalie ended up getting him some water. Carlisle quickly ran some tests and determined that everything looked good before he went out to the waiting room to tell everyone what happened. Everybody was shocked but extremely happy that Lucifer was alive but Carlisle told them that they needed to wait to see him because they already ran some tests but still needed to get some scans of him done.

Lucifer's scans came back to show that everything was good and that his already healing broken bones so Carlisle allowed everyone in to visit with him. Everyone piled in Lucifer's hospital room just goofing around and talking, happy that their world hadn't been turned upside down and that Lucifer was okay.

Turns out they spoke too soon because after two hours of joking and talking with everyone Lucifer suddenly stopped in the middle of something he was saying with a pained look on his face. Lucifer leaned back in his hospital bed then suddenly his eyes rolled back in his head and his heart monitor screeched telling everyone that Lucifer's heart stopped. Carlisle jumped up to get to work as well as three nurses ran into the room with the shock paddles. The nurses handed Carlisle that paddles before getting everyone out of the room so they had room to help the blonde doctor. Leaving everyone who was laughing with Lucifer only minutes ago now scared that he was fixing to die again.


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