Realising they have feeling for you <3

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Kusuo Saiki

He is shocked.Him falling in love with such a simple girl?He at first thought it's because of the coffee jelly but then he notice himself getting all nervous around you and he blushes often if he's near you.
He tries to hide that weird feeling but it's too big.He must love you a lot.

Kaidou Shun

He realizes when his mother talked with him.He has you over and you two are studying.His mother comes in and her eyes lands on you immediately.She sees that Kaidou seems more concentrating and she sees you helping him a lot.She thought he found a girlfriend and talks with him about it after you left.He blushes and denies it.But he does feel weird around you.His stomach always feels weird and he has the feeling he needs to impress you.That's when he realized „damn...I really do love her"

Aren Kuboyasu

Aren realizes it after you protected him.He is fighting against two people but stopped when you step in and talk with the two.He couldn't hear what you say but the two agrees and go away.You go back to Aren and touch his head.He's bleeding a little bit.You look at him worried while he's blushing at the closeness.You ask why he's so red and that's when he realizes that he loves you.

Reita Toritsuka

He knows that he's in love with you.But he at first was more into your body then your personality but after you defend him he realizes that he loves you.Two Girls are yelling at Toritsuka because they thought he's going to to something perverted again but before they could finish their sentence you yell st them for doing that.You are the only one who sees him as a human and not a pervert even tho he is.You are always so kind and sweet to him.He notice many people giving you dirty looks but you don't seem to care.That's why you are in his eyes the perfect girl.

Metori Saiko

He didn't really hates you but he doesn't like you either...that's what he thought till you,Aren,Kaidou,Nendou and Saiki visit him.You all look around his big villa and he sees you admiring some books and paintings while Nendou is trying to talk with the tiger,Kaidou is testing if the statues in the garden can move,Saiki eating sweets and Aren...being Aren.
He sees you not touching anything and always asking if you could go into a room so you can respect his privacy.
After they all left he feels lonely till he feels a tap on his shoulder.He turns around to meet your smile and you thank him for everything.You tell him that you would come whenever he wants and that he should just ask you.After you left he touches his chest where his heart is.That weird feeling in his stomach and his heart beating so he in love?
No Saiko could never fall in love...or does he?

Ayyyyy another one!!
I will promise the next one will be a Oneshot!
I think I will at first start with...Nahh I won't tell. It will be a surprise so stay turned!!

Words: 531

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