How they try to find out what you like <3

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Kusuo Saiki

He just reads your mind.

Kaidou Shun

He says that his moms birthday is soon and because you are a girl you know what girls like.That's his way to try.
Key word TRY!
You already know what he tries to do and just expose him which makes him embarrassed.

Aren Kuboyasu

He always looks at you while shopping and the things you touch or like are in front of your door the next day.
He always leaves a little note too.

I hope you like this as much as I like you
-you super awesome boyfriend

Reita Toritsuka

He doesn't try.He just panics and buys everything he sees.You sometimes wonder why he buys you things that you will never need but you still appreciate his try,knowing that he wants to make you happy.

Metori Saiko

He just buys everything.
Literally everything.
He just asks you and whatever you reply is in your room the same day.

Yes very short and I didn't update yesterday I'm so sorry!!!

I still hope you like this one <33

Words: 181

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