Watching horror movies <3

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Kusuo Saiki

-Doesn't flinch at all.
-Is more like a teddy bear you cuddle up with
-you hide your face in his chest while he just place his hands on your head
-watched till the end because you were to scared to turn it off

Kaidou Shun

-hides his face in your chest
-you needed to stop mid movie because he couldn't handle it
-he falls sleep

Aren Kuboyasu

-just flinches but nothing else
-you both you watch it and then cuddle while talking about your day

Reita Toritsuka 

-flinches and clingers into you
-you both hug each other while watching
-he couldn't sleep that night w/o you

Metori Saiko

-doesn't care
-he would flinch but that's it
-secretly scared but is good at hiding
-you aren't scared at all but act like you are so you can be closer to him
-he doesn't mind and just blushes

Ah sorry This is ver short but my fingers hurt
I hope you can forgive me <3

Words: 169

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