Chapter Fifty Two...

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Sleep brought no relief from Jia's exhaustion. Instead of resting, she found her subconscious entirely focussed on the moon gates, flitting from one to the next and back again constantly.

When Jia was roused from her sleep she felt worse than ever, her mind still largely taken up by the moon gates even after spending all night running between them. Even the sight of Lucifer's beautiful red eyes wasn't enough to lift her mood as she dragged herself out of bed to face the day.

"Are you alright?" His brow furrowed in concern as he took in the dark circles under her eyes.

"I spent all night flitting between the gates instead of resting. I couldn't stop myself from doing it." She ran a hand through her tousled hair, no longer enamoured by the glow and instead wishing she could go back to being her normal self.

"Perhaps as time goes on you'll find a way to compartmentalise your new job and still get some rest," Lucifer suggested hopefully.

"If I don't I'll be worse than useless. I wonder if sleep deprivation would kill me like this," she mused. "As a normal person it would."

"That's a morbid thought."

"You're right. Satan will probably kill me before sleep deprivation gets a look in."

"And that's a worse thought."

"Sorry." He folded his arms across his chest and cocked his head, red eyes studying her intently.

"You're staying here today," he decided. "I'll tell the others to leave you be. Perhaps some more sleep might give you some reprieve from your constant worrying." He moved away from the end of the bed to stand beside her, looking immaculate in his navy suit and crisp white shirt.

"You know the others will be mad if they're denied answers for a second day."

"I can handle them," he snorted. "I can't handle you being in danger because you haven't been able to rest." He took her hands in his. "The moon gates are alright, Jia. Try to get some sleep. Perhaps try sleeping without your true form and see if it helps."

"I will," she agreed, tipping her head back to meet him as he leaned down to kiss her. "Thank you." She watched as he left, marvelling again at the fact that he was her soul mate. Even in the midst of exhaustion, that was one thing she would never regret.

Jia closed her eyes to try and rest, once again frustrated at the fact that her mind wouldn't shut off even when her body gave in. She cycled through gates in a constant monotony until eventually she found herself reaching out to one centred in the human realm.

She wasn't sure what had drawn her there, because the gate wasn't in the midst of being corrupted. There was just a strange energy emanating from it that called out to her, coaxing her closer. When she reached it and her essence stepped through she tried to turn back, but it was too late.

Satan was waiting for her. He was the one calling to her, springing a perfectly laid trap. As the binding shackles snapped closed around her wrists her physical body joined the projection of her soul, her true form disintegrating like ash on the wind. All of her magic power was sapped, drawn into the shackles in an endless stream.

"Finally," Satan beamed. "I've been waiting for you, Jia."

"How did you know where I'd be?" she gasped, struggling to stay upright against the forceful drag of her power being ripped from her.

"Simple really," Satan shrugged. "Jezebeth told me what happened. I figured if I tampered with one of the gates you'd be drawn to it and here you are. Like a moth to a flame."

"Where did you get the binding shackles? How did you even know they existed?" Every word was an immense effort, grinding out from between her clenched teeth.

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