Chapter Six...

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"It's good to see you again." Lucifer spoke quietly as he led the way to his study. He'd left Mammon and Belphegor in the Infirmary, instructing them to keep an eye on Evander until he was properly sedated. Jia sighed sadly, remembering the despair in his eyes when he'd said he wanted to die. "I'm sorry the circumstances of our reunion aren't better."

He opened the door and stepped aside to let her in. She took a seat on the leather sofa by the fire and he sat beside her, that same faint ridge between his brows again as he looked at her with concern in his red eyes.

"I'm glad to see you again too," she answered gently. "It's been a long time since I've been here."

"As a rule we don't allow humans here, but since your friend is no longer a human it doesn't break any of our laws." His head tilted as he watched her. "A lot has changed since you were last here. I've been appointed head of the academy."

"That's really cool."

"I'm also due to be married." Her eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Demons get married?"

"Yes. In our realm it's a much more sacred tradition than in yours. It happens far less often but is a bond for life. Once made it can't be broken. My father is insistent that I should find a partner." Lucifer frowned. "He says I've taken so long to choose someone that he's ready to make the choice for me."

"You don't look like you want that to happen."

"I don't. I already know who he'd choose and I hate her. She's power hungry and untrustworthy and my father is blinded by her because she's beautiful. She'd sooner get rid of me and assume my title than try to help me." He seemed angry, though his voice was still soft and his expression was almost blank.

"Sounds like we both have problems," she answered. He laughed, unable to help himself, and the smile on his face made Jia smile too. A hint of the mischievous boy she remembered shone through.

"I've missed you. There's something I want to ask you, actually."

"Listen, if you're about to propose to me so you don't have to marry the nutcase your dad likes then I'm going to have to decline." He blinked and then his grin returned as he laughed again.

"I'm not proposing to you. I was actually going to ask you about your species. You called yourself Lotura. Why?"

"That's what I am. I take after my father. I have enhanced genetics in comparison with a normal human and I'm capable of demonstrating weak forms of Psychokinesis and Telekinesis."

"But you don't seem like one of the Lotura to me. Nor do you seem like a member of the Fae. What happened when you returned home after regaining your memory?"

"I still can't remember most of my life before you found me," she shrugged. "I don't know how I got hurt or why I was on the street. I get...flashes of things. I saw my mother and father in those flashes and when you sent me back to the human realm the authorities helped me find them. They welcomed me home and we moved away so I could start fresh. The name they gave me was Lisbeth."

"Hmm. So your memory never properly returned?"

"No. My earliest clear memory is you picking me up off the ground and asking my name." She frowned. "I always wondered why you guys helped me but I never thought to ask. Why did you stop for me?"

"We were drawn to you," Lucifer answered. "I can usually sense others of my kind. It felt like that was what we were searching for. I had no idea what you were when I found you."

"Does that mean something significant?"

"I'm not sure," he replied. "It doesn't matter now anyway. This time we were drawn in because of your pact with Mammon."

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