Chapter Nineteen...

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"At least your brothers will only think we went to my home to get my things." Jia gestured to the bag on the ground stuffed with her clothes. "We'll just have to be sneaky with our trip to the Infirmary." Lucifer spotted the red leather book nestled inside and lifted it from between the folded fabrics, reading the title with interest.

"Love and Shadows," he said. "I've read this one."

"You have?" Jia blinked in surprise. "I didn't have you down as a romance fan."

"I have an eclectic taste," he answered wryly. "Also the main character in it is me. I was curious to see how the human world viewed me."

"My boss gave me it the day Evan and I were attacked. She said she wanted me to have it so it could make me as happy as it made her." Lucifer watched her curiously as she grinned. "But I doubt the Lucifer in this book could make me anywhere near as happy as the real you." He laughed softly.

"The Lucifer in this book is a hopeless romantic. I, on the other hand, am not."

"What's wrong with being a hopeless romantic?"

"Everything." He wrinkled his nose.

"I think it's sweet," Jia answered, setting her hands on her hips. "I'd love someone to care about me that much."

"You can love someone more than life itself without acting like you'll die if you don't see them for a day," he replied, rolling his eyes. "I went eight years without seeing you and I managed well enough." Jia felt her eyebrows creep upwards and she had to work hard to keep her mouth from falling open. Lucifer cocked his head at her expression. "What?"

"You just implied you love me more than life itself."


"...Louie, you don't just spring that on a girl. You're supposed to prepare them first."

"What, getting stabbed for you wasn't enough preparation?" he asked, arching an eyebrow. He was smiling and very clearly amused. "Relax, Jia."

"You just said you love me, Lucifer."

"I didn't say it in so many words."

"So you don't then?"

"Of course I do." He folded his arms across his chest, watching her intently as her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. "That doesn't mean it has to be a big deal. I love my brothers but they don't go insane when they hear it." She sagged, relief washing over her like a tide.

"Oh. I get it." She nodded. "Platonic love I can cope with."

"You're a strange girl." He was still smiling. "Aside from the fact that I have an entire Academy to run, I'm also fending off a forced marriage to somebody I hate. It doesn't stop me caring about people but I'm not in the best position for romantic love right now."

"You do realise falling in love with someone isn't something you can just switch off, right? Once it happens that's it. You're stuck."

"So you think if I were in love I'd be as simpering and ridiculous as the version of me in your book?" he asked.

"Possibly. Have you ever been in love to know?"


"Oh." She frowned. "I wasn't expecting that."

"I'm full of surprises," he grinned, making her sigh.

"You're such a dork sometimes."


Satan scowled out at the Demonic Realm spread below him. His plans were moving too slowly. The idiots in the human world were sluggish to carry out his orders and even slower to report back to him.

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