𝑽: 𝑺𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉?

34 2 9

Aeliana stood motionless in the rain, stuck in a trance. Her eyes void of it's spark and emotions. Her mind blank. She doesn't know what to do or where to go. She doesn't even know who she is anymore.

She looked down to her bare feet. Rainwater seeped through her wound below her feet. She didn't even realize she has gotten injured because she couldn't feel the pain. It was as if, she's numb to feeling pain.

Suddenly, she felt someone standing beside her and that the rain stopped pouring onto her. She looked to her side to see a man with breathtaking beauty smiling at her.

"You could get sick if you stand for a long time in this rain." starts the charming unknown man.

"..." Aeliana kept her mouth shut.

"Come on, let's find some place to stay until the rain stopped pouring so heavily." he took her hand in his and began leading her out of the rain. Aeliana followed without a complain.

"I think you've been too rough with her boss...sigh. Like I'm one to talk right? Heh...I'll be doing worse to her.." the strange man thought.


"And...done. You're good as new now."

Aeliana look at her bandaged feet in disinterest. He didn't need to concern himself with her but she appreciates it nonetheless.

"Thank you.." Aeliana said.

"Don't mention it really. I'm Nox. What's your name?" Nox introduced himself.


"Ah. You're that Solarian right?"

Aeliana look puzzled. How did he know she is a Solarian. Her appearance were never made public. Seeing her expression became perplexed, Nox realized he misspoke.

"I heard of you...while I was in the Isle of Dawn three months before."


Aeliana kept her mouth shut yet again and listens to Nox's rambles. She wasn't in the mood for a talk and to be honest, she doesn't even feel like conversing with people.

"I'm sorry about what happened in your hometown-"

"Don't say it."

Aeliana cut off his words. She had enough about hearing people talk about her hometown. It just brings her the memories she had there and it made her wanna cry herself out for days. She hugged her legs, burying her face.

Nox couldn't help but feel a little guilty looking at Aeliana's reaction. He drew closer to her and hesitantly gave her a hug. The girl started to bawl her eyes out. He pat her backs to give her some reassurance.

"I'm sorry.."


"Have you calmed down?"

Aeliana nodded sheepishly. She curses herself silently for showing such an immature side to a person she just met. Seeing such a cute expression on Aeliana's face made Nox laugh a little.

"I'm sorry...hahaha. It's just..your expression were so cute I couldn't help but laugh."

Light pink hues coated Aeliana's cheeks. She has never been complimented as cute before and it actually felt nice hearing that.

𝑺𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒊𝒍 [Sky: Children of the Light Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now