Chapter 2

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Hayley pov

I finish packing my final things in my room when I hear, "Wellsy Junior, we're leaving in five," my dad calls from upstairs. Yep, my father calls me Wellsy Junior, apparently; it's a nickname he used to call my mom in college, so when I was born, I got the nickname because I look like my mom, except I have gray eyes, and she has green. I take my suitcase and head downstairs to see Chaser approaching me with a wagging tail of excitement. I bend down and say, "take care of mom and dad while I'm gone boy" he rubs his butt into me, and I pet him. I always loved Chaser, our golden retriever who could light up anyone in the room. Ok, so I sort of have soft spots for dogs. My mom walks in, pacing back and forth; she is the most nervous out of everyone.

I haven't seen her this anxious ever since my brother and I got lost in the supermarket when we were five. The press made a big deal out of it, calling her, and I quote, "Hannah Graham, the unfit mother of the year," That was twelve years ago. "Wellsy, look at me, take a deep breath," my father says, comforting her and hugging her from the back "ok," she breathes in and out. He kisses her on the cheek and almost on the lips when they both look over at me "oh, Hayley, I didn't even see you," my mother says, embarrassed. "It's ok. At least I didn't see any action. Then I would have to drink bleach," my father laughed, but my mom gave me the "disappointed mother look" that we all so love. My brother walks in with his suitcase. "What did I miss?," he says suspiciously. "Just that I almost saw Mom and dad make out," he chuckles "what's new?!" he says sarcastically. "Oh my god, it's like I'm looking at a tiny version of Garrett," my father smirks and pats Grayson on the back. "What can I say? He gets his sexy looks from me" I groan, now disgusted by this conversation "eww."

Four hours later, we arrived at Briar University. It's just as big as I remember as a kid. Sometimes when my dad was on a break in the Bruins, he would come back to Briar and co teach with Coach Jenson. My brother, and I got to watch them practice. It was fucking awesome because I love watching hockey. We arrive at the dorms and start unpacking. I start decorating the side of my room. I set up my music station on my desk ."it's only been five minutes, and your music stuff is already out" I turn around to see Emily with her suitcase. I smile and hug her " finally, we're in college," she smirks "I know this is awesome." About twenty minutes later, we finished unpacking. Uncle Dean interrupts and stands with My dad, Allie, and mom. "Alright, you two, we have to finish setting up the boy's rooms, and then we're going to take off, so hug time. I hug my mom and dad " I love you guys" dad pats my head "remember what I said" I roll my eyes. "Yes, I know, don't let people get to you, and remember that you are a Graham," he laughs. "I was actually going to say if a guy breaks your heart, tell them that I train 24/7 and is built like a horse," he teases my mom.  "Ignore him and have a great time" she smiles and hugs me close and squeezes me a little "I will mom, don't worry." Not to brag or anything but i'm pretty sure I have the best parents ever. I look over to see Emily saying goodbye to her parents. Allie has tears going down her face, My mom comforts her, and they all walk out together. We stare at the door, and five seconds later, we shriek in excitement, "finally, freedom!" we both jump around, getting ready to party. Get ready, Briar U, Hayley Graham has just arrived, and she's planning on living it up!

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