Chapter 3

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Braylon pov

       It's first thing in the morning, and I'm sitting in my Business management class. It's not my favorite class, but I need it for credit. The professor is OK, but he's old school, so this is a class where you sit ,take notes, and pray you don't fall asleep. As he goes over the syllabus, I can only think about one thing hockey. All my life, I've been preparing to play in the NHL. My life growing up wasn't easy. My family didn't have much money because my dad got laid off from coaching hockey but my dad was friends with the coach, so I got to play for free, but when I got older, I worked two jobs to support my skating. Eventually, I got a scholarship to play at Briar because I could not afford this college without it. There are strict rules I can't drink, smoke weed, and absolutely no fighting, even in hockey. If I do any of that, I don't even get a warning like the other guys; I'm off the team entirely but I can keep my nose clean. If I can make it this far, what's stopping me now? I'm interrupted by my thoughts, "Mr.Beckit, is there any chance we will go over the elements of global business? I look over to see a short brown hair girl with a top that reveals her tits a little too much, but I don't mind. I swear that girl looks familiar, but I can't remember where? The professor looks at her, stunned, not expecting her to say that, "Of course we will miss..." "Hayley, Hayley Graham," she says. After that, the class looks at her in shock, "like Garrett Graham," another student yells out, "yea, he's my dad." Fuck, she's a Graham. I read the rumors that Garret Graham's kids are coming to Briar, but I didn't think it was true. I can't stand them. They're full of themselves with all their red carpet trophies and bling. You could say I'm jealous because I had to work all my life for this, and they get their spot handed to them on a silver fucking platter. If Hayley's here, that means Grayson will be here too, and he's a beast on the ice. No, seriously, they call him "The Beast" because he once scored ten goals and made serval fast slap shots at the age of nine on a team full of middle schoolers. Fuck, maybe I can ignore them. How hard could it be?


I'm now embarrassed that I said my name in class. Numerous eyes are on me now, even the professor. This is a class I wanted to enjoy because I like learning about business it's not my favorite subject, but I don't want to be stared at like a deer in the headlights. Everyone goes back to what they're doing, but I occasionally get looks from people. When class is over, I rush out of the room to meet up with Emily, Austin, and Grayson. "The craziest thing just happened. I said my name, and everyone stared at me. It was so embarrassing," Austin chuckles. "I get it, Hay, but that's what you get for being a celebrity." Emily speaks up beaming "Does that mean I can be like Zendaya when I graduate? " I laugh. "You wish, honey" "Oh, it will, and when I get my oscar, I'll mention you. "And not Us. " Grayson rolls his eyes pointing at Austin and him "hey, you all are important to me. Nothing will change that."  Ten minutes go by, and we all finish eating lunch, "Kappa has a back-to-school party. We should go?" my brother and Austin agree immediately. I sip my drink quietly, hoping Emily doesn't ask, " Hayley" crap, I do not want to party after my embarrassing day in class, but I force a smile and say, "Sure, why not." "Good, let's all meet at Hay's and I's dorm at seven" "OK, mom," Austin says sarcastically. I laugh because it's true Emily has always been the mom of the group always forcing us to go out and have fun, even though she's younger than Grayson and me.

"I'm going to get a coffee; see you guys tonight" I walk to the line and look at the orders, not noticing I bump into a guy, My cheeks go red. "I'm so sorry I'm a clutz," He groans "it's OK, you just hit my balls," he crouches in pain; I'm even more embarrassed now. "I'm sorry, I'll buy you a coffee." I help him up and look at him. Damn, he's gorgeous. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes like the sky on a nice summer day. He's built like a supermodel with olive-colored skin. He must work out daily, and his lips are soft and full, just as I like them. I think my jaw is on the floor now because, holy fuck, he's----" you going to order" I snap out of reality to realize that it's my turn to order "sorry, I would like to order an iced chai with almond milk and for you "it's OK I can buy my drink but thanks." "umm OK then" I take my drink and rush out of there. I want to run to my room and hide under my covers.

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