Chapter 4

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Braylen pov

After class, I come home to my cramped single-room dorm. I know it's strange to have a room by myself, mainly as a freshman, but I've always liked being alone, plus I don't want to deal with a roommate—I facetime my family, who had been eager to talk to me all day. "Bray, how was your first day!" my mother says excitedly "it was okay; did Izzy make it to school, okay?" "she did. She already loves kindergarten." I smiled, knowing my sister was okay without me there. When I left for college, she cried and begged me not to go, making me tear up. My dad left three days after she was born because he didn't want to raise another kid. He was also an alcoholic after he lost his job, so I became her father figure when he left. It's sad because growing up, he was a great dad who always supported my dreams, but when he lost his job, he turned to alcohol instead of his family. Izzy goes to every hockey game, cheering me on with my mom. She's my good luck charm. "can I talk to her?"

"Sure," my mom calls for Isabella. "Bubby!" mom picks her up. She's now squirming around in her arms. "Bubby guess what?" "What?" I say with a shocked voice. "I lost another tooth, see!" she shows her mouth, revealing the missing tooth. "Wow, look at that! Did you get chucked by a hockey player?" I joke. She laughs in the most adorable kid's voice, "no, Bubby!" "Alright, Izzy, it's time for bed." "Okay, mommy, bye, Bubby! she disappears, and my mom says goodbye to me, and now I'm left alone with my thoughts. I should do something tonight, so I don't seem like a complete loner. After all, I am a hockey player might as well act like it.

Hayley pov

I'm in my dorm, preparing for my first college party that I do not want to attend, but I'll never hear the end of it if I don't go. Emily goes to my closet and looks for an outfit that meets her approval "Serousily Hayley, how are you the daughter of a famous hockey player and all you have is boring clothes" "Hey! my clothes are fine if anything you wear too much" she smirks "You can never go too much." She finally finds a short dress from my closet that some designer made me for some rich event I can't remember "perfect" she hands me the dress. I laugh because I don't remember making her, my stylist, for tonight, but I take it and wear it because I have nothing else to wear. I put my makeup on and hear a knock at the door " Is everyone decent in there!" a familiar voice yells, "Yes, Austin!" Emily yells. The boys enter, waiting for Emily and me to finish getting ready "why is your dorm so much bigger than ours? I call BS," my brother protest "it's sexist," Austin agrees. Emily grabs her stuff "oh, come on, It's not like you'll be in that dorm forever. By next year you'll probably be in some apartment bigger than ours ." They argue for another 10 minutes but After that, we all walk out and wait for the taxi to pick us up.

Sigma Chi is loud, not just your regular party loud but like ear murder. We walk inside to see a crowded house full of bodies and heat. With the smell of weed and alcohol in the air, Austin and Grayson wander off, but Emily stays next to me, not leaving my side. That's why I love her never leaves me alone.

Braylen pov

When I arrive, I try to be careful of what I do because I can't get too wasted and posted on social media. I take a beer and have a few sips because, Hey, I'm human, right plus, telling a college boy not to drink or smoke weed is like telling a rookie to make a slap shot at 108.8 mph. It's impossible. I see a few girls try to fling themself on me. I think they're called puck bunnies. I look across the room to see Grayson Graham walking around like he owns the place part of me wants to shove my hockey stick up his ass. The other part of me wants to give him a chance and see what type of person he is. I decide neither and get another drink. As I take my sip, a girl bumps into me, spilling my drink on my shirt "are you fucking kidding me?" the girl looks at me and instantly groans. It's Hayley again who accidentally hit my dick earlier "you got to watch where your going, sweet cheeks" this time, she is with another girl. "I'm so sorry I-" "is everything okay over here?" Grayson says with a concerned look walking over to us. Great, now I have this jackass to deal with because his sister keeps being a clutz. "yea, I knocked into him by accident. Here I'll help you." Before I can say no, she drags me to the kitchen, takes some paper towels, and starts rubbing my chest. I'm starting to get a boner; I instantly take the paper towel from her hand and turn because no way am I letting her see my boner." "I can clean it myself" I wipe myself off. "If you don't mind, what's your name? I feel bad not knowing it." I say it not looking at her "Braylen," but most people call me Bray. She smiles. "I'm Hayley" "I know I was in class when you said it. "Oh, you're in my class. I didn't even notice," "probably because you only think about yourself." I turn around to face her. "I do not!" she yells in protest. I smirk "right," she is now annoyed at me. "You don't even know who I am." "I bet I can guess; you're the kind of girl who tries to act like she's not spoiled and rich but then proceeds to complain about things in her life that could be better but doesn't realize that they're acutely kids who have real problems in the world. We stand there silently for a minute; she finally opens her mouth. "You know what? I take back everything I said. I'm not sorry for bumping into you In fact," she takes a cup of someone's drink and throws it in my face. I am now covered in beer and a few people laugh and cheer as she storms off, and I stand there drenched. Hayley Graham, that's the last time you'll ever get the last word.

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