Chapter 5

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I come back to join Emily, who is tipsy "hey, where did you go?" I groan. "I was dealing with an asshole." she takes my hand, drags me to the bar, and puts a shot of whiskey in my hand "you need a drink." I hesitate "is my brother around? He would not be okay with me taking a shot." I'm a lightweight, so me at sorority drinking hard liquor will be interesting. She looks around. "I think you're in the clear? I take the shot, feeling the heat of my heart start to burn up but damn, that drink felt good. I make a weird face that makes Emily laugh because she has more experience with parties than I do. I see Jamie and Gabe approaching us. I hug her smiling like I haven't seen her for a long time. "Jam--i.e., it's so good to see you!" She turns her head to Em, annoyed "did you get her drunk already? it's been twenty minutes since this party started. Em protests and puts her finger up "hey, let her have fun. It's not every day you see Hayley Gramah Tipsy." I then grab a cup of whiskey and chug it, only this time, I don't feel the fiery burn in my chest, but I do feel happy. After that, I forgot about Braylen or whatever his name was. I forget about everything after that. After that, I only remember dancing on top of the bar and someone throwing me over their shoulders and being carried away. 


I sip more of my beer after she storms out. Something about her makes feels horny and warm, but then I remember her shallow personality. "Woah, Dude, are you okay?" some guy comes up to me. "I'm fine but thank you," he grins. "Can I make a suggestion?" I sip my beer. "Sure" "don't piss off the ice queen. It's not going to end well for you" I roll my eyes. "Why is everyone scared of them? Their just people with a lot of money." "Look, I'm not saying you have to like them, but just don't pick a fight," I snicker because who the hell is he to say what I can do with my life? "And who are you?" he ruffles his blonde hair with his hand and smiles politely. "I'm Trip." What kind of name is that? I think. After that, we talk about a lot. I discovered he's a hockey player from Providence, Rhode Island, and a comic book nerd. I dislike many people in this world, but Trip seems okay.   

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